
"I'm sorry if I couldn't help you that time, brother," Draco said to him. They are now in their dorms, fixing themselves to bed. "Father threatened me too. He said that if I go down to the dungeons to help you, then he won't hesitate to do the same to me."

"It's fine. I understand, Draco. And you don't have to experience the same thing as I did." Draven patted his brother's shoulder.

"He really wrote it to your skin." The younger Malfoy pointed at his chest. "Mother told me."

Draven nodded. "Yeah. You know how evil he is."

"Did Granger know?" He asked and his twin shook his head.

"I couldn't bear to tell her the details. It... terrorizes me, and I don't want Hermione to feel the same way. But I knew that she already got it. Just from her hugs, and words... I already felt at peace." Draven spoke.

"You are both made for each other, I'm certain of that." The other Malfoy said to him.

Draven pushed him jokingly and they both chuckled. Just then, a voice from the other side of the room echoed.

"I do miss you both guys, but we have an early D.A.D.A tomorrow. Come on, sleeping time." Theo said to them.

"Theo just ruined the brotherly moment." The older Malfoy shuffled Draco's hair. "Let's go now."

The brothers then went to their own beds, tucking themselves to sleep. But Draven, being the one who can't sleep at that time picked up the sketchbook Hermione gave him and he started to sketch something again. A simple drawing of his girlfriend smiling, under a mistletoe.


Days after the regular classes start, Celeste and Daphne were both walking towards the abandoned girls' bathroom somewhere on the second floor. Luckily, the ghost of Moaning Myrtle was wandering off the campus.

"Is it already done?" Celeste asked her.

"Yes. The only thing we need is perfect timing." Daphne said to her, looking at the cauldron. "See? It's perfect."

Celeste looked at the cauldron, but there was something that tells her about this very concoction in front of them. "Are you sure you made this correctly?"

"What do you think of me, Cel? Dumb? Of, course I did. I may not be as brilliant as Granger, but yes, I made that perfectly." She proudly beamed. "So? When you will do it?"

"Later? Or tomorrow night?" She spoke, a bit unsure.

TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now