#5 Reacting to Transformations

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This will be a bit like my song battle one but I hope you guys enjoy it! This will mostly be Lila salt but unlike cliche ones on YouTube there will be some class salt. Also I finally finished my Albedo drawing after
10 hours I hope yall like it :)

Here's the drawing it took me ages to do!! (Please don't post this online without my consent)

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Here's the drawing it took me ages to do!! (Please don't post this online without my consent)

Anyways on with the story!

Me: hmm I'm bored

Me: Oh I know! *snaps fingers*

*the akuma class, Zoe Lee, Luka, and Kagami appear*

Me: Settle down everyone! Today there will be a big surprise as you're going to be...

*drumroll please*

Me: Revealing your superhero identities! However there is a twist. All but one of you here have at least one miraculous and the one who doesn't is working with Hawkmoth.

Class: *le gasp*

Me: But not to worry, it won't be too much of a surprise :) Now on to the transformations!

Class *le gasp* Kim you have a miraculous? So cool!!!

Lila: Wow Max you look great in your suit!
(thinks): ew he looks terrible

Class: Awwwww

Juleka: So you were the one who saved me?

Rose: Y-Yes...

Me: As much as I enjoy this sappy moment we don't have much time and so let's get moving

Juleka: *hides behind Rose*

Miraculous Salt One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora