Episode 17 "The Boy in the Shroud" Part 2

Start from the beginning

We watch him go as I say, "5 bucks that he will mess up." "... You're on." Okay, but we should go to the other side, just in case I do win." We go to the other side as Hodgins says, "The United States Botanic Garden falls under the supervision of the Architect of the-the Capitol." "Get away from me, perv." She turns around about to leave as Booth says, "Hello, Kelly. FBI. Not a perv." She turns around to leave but I was right in front of her as well. "It's okay. We're just here to help." Booth then says, "We're not gonna hurt you. Just got to talk about what happened to Dylan." "Dylan's dead." "Were you there when Dylan died?" "Was I there? Who do you think killed him?" I sighed and looked at Booth, "I told you Ranger... pay up the five bucks." Hodgins looks at me, "You bet if she killed him or not?" "No. That's messed up. We bet on you if you were going to mess up or not. And you did so I won." "Blueberry this is not the time to talk about that." "Okay... I will wait."

I am on the other side of the interrogation room as Booth asked, "Why'd you kill Dylan, Kelly?" Ms. Child speaks, "Agent Booth..." "Well, she already admitted to the murder, Ms. Child." "Actually, I believe she asked, 'Who do you think killed him?' It's an ambiguous question." "I killed him. I did it. Because he broke a promise to me." Temp then asks, "The promise to stay with you?" "He tossed me a couple hundred bucks and told me he was going to college. That we couldn't see each other anymore." Booth asks, "What'd you do?" "I pushed him out a window. It was kind of an accident, right? What do you call it, a crime of passion?" Temp asks, "You pushed him out the window?" "Yes." "And he was conscious at the time?" "Yeah. He screamed, okay?" Booth asks, "What then?" "I ran away." 

Temp shakes her head, "No, Kelly, didn't. You went down to the alley and you wrapped Dylan in linen,  and then you put a rose from the Botanic Garden in his hand. The Romeo and Juliet rose." Booth agreed, "Yeah, it's a strange thing to do right after you murder someone." "Well, I'm pretty screwed up. Didn't you hear?" Temp adds, "Someone shot Kevin Duncan. He's dead." "The sandwich guy? Booth nods, "We were thinking that the two deaths were connected." "Fine. Yeah, I killed him, too." "She killed him too." "Ms. Child then speaks, "Okay, I'd prefer that we not pursue this line of questioning."

We are now in the Royal Dinner and I am sitting right next to Temp as Booth says, "Well, she confessed." I nod adding, "She did, but got it wrong. She forgot about the pipe." "Well, she said they fought." "She's lying." "You know, I'm just trying to think of a situation so bad where a girl would confess to murder to try and get out of it. It's just-" I look up seeing Fran come over to us, "Agent Booth, Dr. Brennan, Dr. Venus." I nod  as Booth asks, "Do you want to sit down, have a cup of coffee?" "No, thank you." Temp then says, "I'm sorry for your loss." "Did Kelly Morris kill Dylan?" 

Booth answers, "Well, she confessed." "And now you think she killed my husband as well?" Temp looked at her, "It's very possible. I'd believe that before I'd believe she killed Dylan." "Kelly shouldn't take the blame." Fran then takes out a gun from her bag and puts it on the table. "You'll find one bullet missing." Booth then asks, "Your confessing to your husband's murder?" "He used me to get close to young girls. I don't know how many years through the years." Booth gets up and arrests her as I say, "Thank you." She nods at me as Booth takes her away and I grab the gun with my glove that I put on and follow Booth behind and Temp behind me.

We are at the lab as Cam reads the report, "Ballistics confirm that the bullet that killed Kevin Duncan came from Fran Duncan's gun." Zack then says, "Case closed?" "On Kevin Duncan, definitely. And since Kelly Morris has confessed--" I interrupted, "She didn't do it." "What evidence do you have of that?" Hodgins then comes up to the platform, "How about this? Specimen 268, right corner of the room schematic." Angie then says, "You are good." "Oh, you have no idea." I chuckle at the moment they're having as I go over to Zack and lean on him as he says to the two, "Are you having a moment?" They both stare at him as Temp asks, "Well, how does finding the pipe prove that Kelly Morris is lying?" Hodgins looks at her as I get comfortable on Zack as he stays still. "How does her confession not include the murder weapon?" "For the last time, the pipe is not the murder weapon. Dylan Krane died from a 50-foot fall." Cam then ask, "Can you run the scenario through your magic holographic crystal ball thingy?"

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