BONUS CHAPTER #33: Nia Damaged ❤️‍🩹

Start from the beginning

He glared angrily in her stunned chocolate orbs.

"Ugly this! Ugly that! I don't give a rat's ASS if everyone was to think you're ugly and fat!" The blond hollered. "I swear to you that in my eyes you are the most BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS WOMAN I'VE EVER GOTTEN TO KNOW, YA KNOW!"

Hearing this, tears surfaced in Nia's eyes.

"Sweet Curly Brow..." Naruto saw this and softened his voice. "I'm not trying to make you cry, I just-"

"You act like I wanna feel this way about myself..." The girl croaked, tears slipping out of her eyes.

"No, I just-"

"Naruto, I literally can't help but to have low self esteem. I've been called ugly everyday of my life since I was thirteen and treated like nothing day in and day out. I've been the victim of so much abuse and trauma. When I see myself in the mirror, I only see a ugly creature staring back at me. A creature who deserves nothing. A creature... who deserves to die."

"What're you talking about, sweetie? A creature that deserves nothing but death?! That's terrible."

"But Naruto, I'm literally so worthless. If no one thinks I'm beautiful, why should I live?"

"I think you're beautiful."

"Oh Naruto..." Nia wouldn't stop crying.

"You've been through so much, Curly Brow," Tears surfaced in the blond's eyes. "You really think you're some monster.... just cause of how your face looks. You wanna die... cause of your appearance."

"There's no point in living... unless I'm beautiful."

"Don't say that," Naruto quickly embraced the girl, tears flowing out of his eyes. "You're so much more than your appearance!"

"No, I'm not! All I am is my looks! That's all everyone sees. I wanna die!"

"Curly Brow, s-stop it," Naruto whimpered.

"Oh baby..."

"Curly Brow, you're strong. You can get through this."

"No, I'm not, baby. I can't live like this. I can't live knowing I'm utterly hideous. I'd be better off dea-"


"Uzumaki..." Tears raced down Nia's face.

Naruto trembled as he held onto the girl. His face was wet with tears as he thought of the girl going to throw her life away.

"Y-You told... me. You told me you wouldn't hurt yourself anymore," He said.

"I haven't, baby," Nia answered.

"Then why're you talking like you're literally gonna kill yourself?"

"Because... I..."

"Because what, Curly Brow?"

"Because I do wish to die sometimes...."

Naruto was stunned. All he wanted was to take the girl's pain away.

"Curly Brow..." He cupped her cheek with a hand.

He hadn't seen her eyes look so dull in a long time.

"You don't deserve this... I wish I could fight every guy who's literally made you feel like nothing. I wish I could knock every guy who's ever called you ugly into next year."

Nia kept ahold of the blond.

"You're..." Naruto trailed off.

"Don't say it, baby..." Nia sniffled.

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