"I don't know some nice places so I'm going to trust you on that. Then, Forest of Dean it is." He said to her. "Now, imagine we're now in the forest. What kind of house do you want us to live in?"

"I do love the magical tents that we had. It was so simple and easy to assemble. Also, it had a great interior and it was big enough for us. So, I think I'll live with it." The bushy browned-haired girl answered. "You? Since you lived in a huge manor and all."

"The tent sounds pretty amazing." He kissed her hand. "I don't really care where we're going to live forever, as long as I'm with you."

"Then it goes the same for me as well, love." She leaned her head to her shoulder. They passed unto a park, and saw a sign outside of it. "Hey, there's a fireworks display later 6 PM. What time is it now on your watch?"

"It says 5:38." Draven read the time on his watch. "Few minutes before the fireworks start."

"It also says that it's for public viewing. Come on, let's watch it." Hermione excitedly dragged him inside the park. There were a lot of people waiting for it as well and they found a perfect spot to stay. "Have you seen fireworks before?"

The Malfoy boy shook his head. "I have never seen Muggle fireworks before. The only fireworks I've got to view is when the twins gathered all their products and hauled it at Professor Umbridge on our O.W.Ls."

"Yeah, it was fun but I felt furious a bit at Fred and George. They just ruined one of the most important tests at school." Hermione crossed her arms but then she smiled. "Though, I do think Professor Umbridge deserves that."

"She does deserve that trick. Do you see the look on her face? It was priceless." Draven said and they both giggled reminiscing the moment.

After a few minutes, it is now time for the fireworks display to begin. Draven and Hermione both positioned themselves, sitting down beside each other on the grass field. As the fireworks started to light up the dark sky, the Malfoy boy was watching in awe. He never expected to see those gigantic lights, filling the sky with their bright, dazzling colors. The extravagant sparks it releases made him mesmerized. Hermione looked at her boyfriend, his eyes fixated on the view in front of his very eyes. Whenever he gazes up, he sees a silent spark erupt into a million magnificent rays of light, dominating the sky and shaping that time into one that'll never fail to make them feel infinite. She knew that being locked in, alone in his manor for a very long time from what he suffered, made him oblivious to the world that unfolds his very eyes. Their family never wanted to be associated with a Muggle-born like her, but this man right here beside her defied that belief and chose to be with her, to love her.

Hermione remembered his past story that he never wanted to go through again. And there is one thing's for sure, she will never let him feel alone, ever again...

"I love you." She suddenly blurted out, enough for Draven to hear amidst the loud explosions of the fireworks shooting up the sky.

The white blonde-haired boy peered at her, smiling. "I love you too."

And as the fireworks continue to shimmer in the sky, Draven leaned his head, inches away from her lips and they finally sealed the great night with a kiss...

TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Male OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ