Episode 17 "The Boy in the Shroud" Part 1

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We are in Booth's office with the foster parent as she says, "Poor Dylan. He was a good kid. He was a good influence on Kelly- trying to get her back into school. And he was good to Alex, treated him just like a little brother." I nod as Temp asks, "To the best of your knowledge, were Kelly and Dylan sexually active?" "Oh, I know they were. I'm afraid I caught them in Kelly's bedroom, and I had to forbid Kelly to bring Dylan into the house after that." Booth then asks, "Why?" Temp answers, "It's the rules. They're underage, and Kelly's a ward of the state." "Yeah, and I know that it might force Dylan and Kelly to find other places to be together. You know, to feed into their own, uh... Romeo and Juliet fantasy. But Alex lives in the house, too, and he's only 12."

Booth then asks, "Kelly and her brother, they close?" "Very close. Their parents were killed in a hotel fire four years ago. They had no family. They were put into the system. I've had them for a little over a year." I add, "That's a pretty good run for a foster kid, especially a brother and a sister who want to be together." "Yes." Suzanne sighs as booth asked, "What?" "Well, I'm not certain how much longer I can keep the both of them. I have diabetes, and I don't have the energy that I used to, and Kelly is a real handful. I've asked Children's Services to look for alternatives." I ask, "Did Kelly know?" "Yes. I told her." 

Alex comes in and asks, "Did they find Kelly or not?" "No, Alex, but they found Dylan." "Is he all right?" We all looked at Booth as he says, "I'm-I'm afraid not." Suzanne then says, "Dylan is dead." She stands up and hugs him. Temp then asks him, "Do you know where Kelly is, Alex?" "No." Booth adds, "Kelly could be in danger." "I don't know where she is. She hasn't called me or anything. Do you think she's dead, too?" Booth then says, "No. Mm-mmm. You know, I'm gonna find your sister, and I'm gonna bring her back here to you." "Really?" "Absolutely. This is the FBI, buddy." Alex smiles and Temp and I just look at Booth.

We are back in the lab walking to Temps office as she asks, "Were you lying to the boy? Do you really think Kelly Morris is still alive?" Booth answers, "I don't know." I then ask, "You don't know if she's alive?" "No, I don't know if I was lying?" You see, I just- I really don't have a read on the sister yet. I mean, was she a bad guy? Was she a victim?" I nod, "Well, do you have a read on Dylan Krane?" "Oh, yeah, he had that whole adolescent savior complex thing going on big time." Temp asks, "Savior Complex?" "Yeah, teenage boys love nothing more than the idea of saving the damsel in distress." "How do you know?" 

I chuckle and look at Booth waiting for an explanation. "Well, 'cause I was, you know, I was a teenage boy." Cam then comes in, "Hey. DNA from the tissue under the victim's fingernail? Female, and there's nail polish in the gouges on his arm." Temp then says, "Well, it wasn't necessarily from the murder. They were sexually active. She might have scratched him." "No. Hodgins also found oxidized iron in the scratches." Booth repeats her, "Oxidized iron. What's that?" All three of us say at the same time, "Rust." "Why didn't you just say 'rust'?" "Well, she said it." "The same oxidized iron found on the victim's upper back and shoulder." I nod suggesting, "Probably left behind by the weapon that struck him." Booth then says, "So... he was hit with what, a rusty pipe?" 

Cam nods, "That's a reasonable assumption." "Oh, so, Dylan tells the girlfriend they're breaking up..." Cam continues, "She whacks him across the carotid with a pipe..." Booth finishes it, "And pushes him out of the window." "Exactly." "What? What's with the stink eyes? It's just a theory." Temp speaks, "There was cheap nail polish in the box of Kelly's belongings. You should see if there's a match." Cam then says to Booth, "Find some hair. Match the DNA on that, then get started on the, uh, murder weapon." I didn't like what they were saying as I start walking away and Temp follows behind me as Booth says, "Yeah. Where are you both going?" I turned and smiled at them, "I thought before we arrest Kelly Morris for murder based solely on the face that she's a foster kid, we might want to find the place where Dylan Krane actually died. Point of fact- the pipe- if that's even what it was-" Temp finishes, "Was not the murder weapon. The evidence, if anybody cares, shows that Dylam Krane died from a fall." At that we leave them behind.

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