68| You Can Go Home Again

Start from the beginning

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews. Is Cory home yet?" Topanga asked.

"Nope. But soon, though." Mrs. Mathews answered.

"I know. According to tape fifty-six he should be home tonight." Topanga informed.

"Late tonight." Mrs. Matthews corrected.

"So is it okay if we wait?" Shawn wondered.

"Well, actually, we were on our way out." Mr. Matthews told him.

"That's okay. I'm just going to take a hot bath." Shawn said which caused everyone to give him odd looks. "What? There's seepage at the trailer park."

"Shawn, I'd prefer that my son's friends didn't bathe in my home when I wasn't here. Or ever." Mr. Matthews said.

"Still in a bad mood, huh, Mr. M?" Shawn asked.

"What bad mood?" Mrs. Matthews questioned.

"Well, me and my dad noticed it when we were last at the market. You know, we were eating our free samples like we always do...." Shawn explained.

"Whoa - hey, hey, hey!" Mr. Matthews exclaimed loudly, interrupting Shawn. "Sticking your own toothpicks in our turkey and steak does not make them free samples."

"Fine! We'll just take our business elsewhere." Shawn told him.


Zoey was sitting on the staircase in the Matthews household, waiting for Shawn to get out of the bathtub. Not even a moment later, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews returned from their party and celebrated Mr. Matthews award. Zoey decided not to pay attention to their conversation.

"Ah, I just want to take a hot bath." Mr. Matthews said.

Zoey stood up from the staircase and looked down. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Zoey?" Mr. Matthews called in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"You don't want to get in that tub. It's disgusting." Shawn informed as he walked down the stairs, only wearing robe.

Shawn grabbed onto Zoey's hand and lead her towards the front door.

"Excuse me." Mr. Matthews called out, causing the teens to pause by the door. "Could I have my robe back?"

"Hey, I'm naked under here." Shawn pointed out.

Mr. Matthews paused for a moment. "Enjoy."

Zoey's face warmed as she heard Shawn's response, her eyes going wide as the single sentence caused her to think about other things. She shook her head as her and Shawn walked out of the building.


The next day, Topanga, Shawn and Zoey went to go see if Cory was back yet since he hadn't returned home the previous night. They all stood in the middle of the kitchen, waiting.

"They're up and on their way down." Morgan informed as she bounded down the stairs. "I told them you made blueberry pancakes."

"I didn't make blueberry pancakes." Mrs. Matthews said.

"Oh, they're lucky we let them live here." Morgan said with a shrug as she sat down at the table. "Topanga, are you and Cory going to kiss?"

Topanga bent down to Morgan's height. "Morgan, I think that's very personal and we shouldn't talk about it."

"Come on, just between us girls." Morgan insisted.

"Right on the lips." Topanga answered which caused Morgan to giggle.

"Topanga, he's not going to have time for you. The man has been gone for two months and we have so much catching up to do, he's not even going to know you exist." Shawn told her.

"Shawn!" Cory called as he came downstairs.

"Cory!" Shawn exclaimed and opened his arms.

Cory ducked under Shawn's arms and made his way to Topanga, kissing her immediately.

"Good summer?" Cory asked as he parted from his girlfriend.

"Great summer." Shawn answered

"Lots of stories?"

"Lots of stories."

"You miss me?"

"I missed you."

"We still best friends?"

"The best there ever were."

"Good." Cory said as he continued to kiss Topanga.

"You see? You see?" Shawn asked Topanga, trying to get her attention. He tapped her shoulder. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

PUBLISHED: May 11, 2018
WORDS: 1254

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