65| I Never Sang For My Legal Guardian

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"What's wrong with right here?" Shawn questioned, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice. "I mean, look. There's furniture everywhere and the neighbours - the best. Wonderful people who mind their own business."

"Hey, Mrs. Dubcheck, can you quiet looking at me like that?" Mr. Williams called out as he entered the apartment. He then closed the door behind him.

"Eli, what's going on." Mr. Turner asked.

"Remember when Mrs. Dubcheck's husband died and she said she'd never look a another man? Well, she's over him and I'm scared." Mr Williams answered as he walked over and sat down on the couch.

"Why? You know, you've could do much worse than Mrs. Dubcheck. In fact, I've seen you do worse than Mrs. Dubcheck." Mr. Turner said.

"This building's gonna miss that wit when you're gone. And when is the happy day, huh?" Mr. Williams snarked.

"As soon as Shawn finds a place he likes." Mr. Turner answered.

"You know, since everybody's talking about me like I'm not here, I might as well not be here. Let me know how things turn out." Shawn said as he stormed out of the apartment.

"Shawn!" Zoey called out as she immediately started racing after him.


Next day at school Zoey and Cory were walking through the hallways, trying to find Shawn. It took a couple minutes when they found him at his locker.

"So? Did you decide yet?" Cory asked.

"About what?" Shawn questioned.

"The condo." Cory answered excitedly. "Now, look, I just got off the phone with the landlord. There was another offer made but I did a little dancing and bought us another half-day, but you can't keep us hanging."

"'Us'?" Zoey repeated in confusion. "Cor, what're you getting out of this?"

"Well, if I rent ten places, I get a cruise." Cory replied.

"Cory, there's not going to be any move." Shawn assured.

"Why? What's going on?" Cory wondered.

"I've been moving around ever since I was a little kid. I'm sick of it. I don't want to do it anymore so I just want the next move to be the last one." Shawn explained.

"But Mr. Turner's doing this for you." Zoey pointed out.

"I mean, he's a great friend." Cory agreed.

Shawn nodded. "Yeah. A friend."


Later that night, Zoey and Topanga were hanging out on the floor in Topanga's bedroom.

Zoey had been spending several nights over at her friend's house under the guise of her mom working very late. The Lawrence's knew her well enough like the Matthews and Hunters, and liked her very much.

"I'm really worried about Shawn, Topanga." Zoey admitted.

"That's not new, Zo." Topanga said with a soft smile. "What are you worried abut this time?"

"He's been upset about his dad. He hasn't heard from him in a few weeks and if I know my boyfriend, he's going to do something drastic about it." Zoey explained.

"Well..." Topanga began, only to be stopped at the sound of her window being pushed up to reveal Shawn himself, jumping into her bedroom.

"Hi. Topanga. Can you leave?" Shawn immediately asked.

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