"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

Cory smiled. "So, are you with me?"


After school Zoey decided to head to the public library and was being followed by a slightly disgruntled Shawn Hunter.

"Zoey! You've been coming here for two weeks! Surely these people are tired of seeing you." Shawn said as they entered the building.

"I have to study, Shawnie." Zoey told him.

The two of them stopped at her usual table and she laid her books out. Shawn plopped down the chair across from her and rested his head on his hands, his gaze fixed on his girlfriend.

"Pay attention to me!" Shawn complained, pouting.

"Can't, studying." Zoey answered, not looking up from her notes. "You don't have to be here, you know."

"I wanna hang out with you." Shawn whined.

Zoey looked up and shook her head. "I have to study, Shawn."

Shawn sighed, reaching one hand across the table to lay it flat on the pages of her open book to cover the words. "There, now you can't read."

Zoey huffed and picked his hand up by the wrist and moved it off to the side. Two seconds later, his hand returned back on the page.

"Shawn..." Zoey groaned in annoyance.

"Zo, you've been studying for two weeks! Everyone knows you're the smartest person in our grade. Please?" Shawn begged.

"Topanga's much smarter than me, Shawnie. That's why I need to study. You should too, you know." Zoey replied.

"Don't wanna." He answered childishly.

When Zoey didn't respond, Shawn exhaled and withdrew his hand from her book, and placing it back under his chin, only complaining slightly under his breath as he contended himself with watching her admiringly. He couldn't understand how he got to lucky.


With one day left before finals, the kids who hadn't studied were getting anxious by the minutes, so Cory led them as they approached their English teacher that stood in the middle of the school hallways.

"Okay, Mr. Turner. Now, we got to school all year and I'll be honest... we don't like it. Now it's the end of the year and we gotta take all these finals about stuff we already learned and naturally, have forgotten about. I mean, why does Feeny like torturing us?" Cory questioned.

"Have you got a point, Matthews?" Mr. Turner asked.

"Well, yeah. We've very upset." Cory announced.

"Yeah." The crowd agreed.

"So? It's a tough schedule. That's what school's all about." Mr. Turner said.

"Yeah, but not this tough." Cory argued. "I mean, people are starting to crack."

Topanga then walked by studying. "Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron..."

"Topanga, wall." Zoey called out.

Topanga turned just in time, avoiding the wall. "Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen...."

"And she's not even chemistry." Cory told Mr. Turner.

"Feeny's schedule is a conspiracy, man. It's exactly like the government telling us about the aliens that are living in our old trailer park." Shawn said.

"Mr. and Ms. Monroe." Zoey supplied.

Shawn nodded. "Uh-huh, and their little dog, too."

"Look, Mr. Turner, it's enough that we have to take all these finals but why does Mr. Feeny have to jam them all together? It's a lot for even those who have studied." Zoey pointed out.

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now