61| Stormy Weather

Start from the beginning

A heavy silenced filled the apartment as Zoey thought about what he said for a few seconds. She hummed along.

"I think it's a nice idea." She agreed. "Very romantic."

"But true?" Shawn questioned.

"I don't know." She repeated for the third time. "I hope it's true, anyway. I believed my parents were soulmates... until they fell apart." She paused. "Do you think Cory and Topanga were soulmates?"

"I think so." Shawn murmured. "And... what do you think about us?"

Zoey's eyes softened, a tiny smile covering her face. "If soulmates aren't real then you and I are an anomaly, Shawn."

Shawn grinned. "You mean it?"

"Of course, stupid." Zoey said, her hand reaching out and stroked her fingers against his jaw, admiring his beauty. "I love you so much. I don't actually know how I got so lucky with you."

"I ask myself how I ended up with a girl so perfect every day too." Shawn replied sincerely, his hand placing itself over the one she had on his face. "And I genuinely believe you are my soulmate, Zoey Francis."

Without saying another word, Zoey moved forward and pressed her lips against his. Shawn let go of her hand, putting it in her hair. She didn't care if he messed up the beach waves she had spent half and hour this morning created, instead she continued kissing the man she loved.

The door suddenly opened and Mr. Turner walked inside. Shawn and Zoey immediately pulled apart and looked up at their English teacher with nervous expressions.

Mr. Turner sighed. "Uh.... I thought you said Zoey was coming over to do homework."

"Look, I'm sorry." Shawn apologized, wrapping an arm around Zoey and pulled her into his side. "But you're supposed to be at school. Zoey's mum's about to pick her up, and, you know John, it'd be nice to have a little privacy."

"And we were doing homework, Mr. Turner. Besides, I kissed him first." Zoey explained before using her hand to scrunch Shawn's face. "I mean, look at this face."

"You know, it actually looks better when you do that." Mr. Turner pointed out.

Zoey couldn't help but chuckle while the door buzzed.

"Oh, that must be my Mum." Zoey said.

Mr. Turner walked to the front door and opened it, revealing Lucy on the other side.

"Hi." Lucy greeted sweetly.

"Hi." Mr. Turner said hesitantly.

"Um... I'm here for Zoey." Lucy informed.

"Oh, uh... she's right here." Mr. Turner responded. "Come on in."

"Hey, Mrs. King." Shawn greeted from the couch.

Mr. Turner turned to Zoey in confusion. "King? I thought your last name was Francis?"

"It is. Her father and I are divorced." Lucy explained calmly. "I wouldn't allow her to change her last name because I wanted her to have something from her father."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Mr. Turner apologized.

Lucy shook her head. "No, it's been a long time."

"Really?" Mr. Turner asked as he placed his hands behind his back.

"Mum, this is Mr. Turner... my English teacher." Zoey told her mother firmly.

"Zoey, we should get going." Lucy said. She then outstretch her hand out to Mr. Turner. "It was nice to meet you again, Mr. Turner."

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now