Leah felt her eyes slowly open. Seeing Zeke gone and out of bed. She yawned a little as she stretched her body. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom, grabbing a bathrobe and put it on. She tied the tie around her waist as she walked out of the room.
She went to Mackenzie's room to not find him, but Mackenzie layed there asleep, Ace, Duce, and Jack Jack asleep surrounding her bed. She furrowed her brows as she walked out of the room. She walked down stairs, not hearing anyone.
"Zeke?" she called out.
She walked into the living room, seeing things thrown around. She felt her heart race.
Who broke in here? More importantly, where is Zeke? Leah thought.
She walked more into the living room. She looked on the other side of the couch and gasped.
    Zeke lied there beat with a woman standing over him. Her back was facing Leah.
   Leah felt her heart break and sink at the same time. She wanted to cry and break down, but beat the living shit out of that woman at the same time.
   "Why did you do this?" Leah managed to muster out.
  "He broke a promise and ruined me." the woman said.
   Her voice was oddly familiar to Leah.
   The woman began to turn around. Leah felt herself shake as she saw brown eyes.

   Leah jumped up in a cold sweat hyperventilating.
   "Baby! Baby! Hey, you're okay." Zeke said as he cupped her face.
Her teary eyes looked at him and she felt relieved. She jumped on him, gripping him close and tight as she began to cry. He held her close as she shoved her face in his neck. He rubbed her back in a comforting way as he whispered in her ear. "You're okay. You're okay. I got you, love. I'm right here."
She slowly began to relax, but couldn't unsee his body. She gripped him closer to herself.
"Please don't ever leave me." she sobbed quietly.
He kissed her forehead and placed his forehead against hers. "I'm not going anywhere." he said softly. "I'm sorry, Mazarez, but you're stuck with me. Especially when we make it official."
   She smiled. "I can't wait."

"Leah . . . Leah!" Zeke whispered to Leah shaking her a little.
She lifted her head off the pillow and raised a brow. "Huh?"
"You need to put on some clothes. I love you and your naked body, don't get me wrong. But your sisters and Dak are coming, so you need to put clothes on." he smiled.
"Okay, okay." she yawned.
He caressed her face and gave her a kiss. Which she tiredly returned. He smiled at her. "I already got your clothes for you. It's on the nightstand next to you."
She gave him a tired smile. "Thank you. I love you very much."
"I love you more." he gave her another kiss. "I'm gonna go and check on Kenzie. You get dressed."
"I just want to sleep and cuddle you."
"We can do that when they leave."
"I'm okay with that."
He kissed her forehead before he walked out of the room. Leah watched him walk away with a smile.
What would I do without him? Leah thought.
   She growled a little as she sat up, her body in pain.
Ugh, should have just stayed asleep and said I was sick. Leah thought as she rubbed her head a little.
   She looked at the clothes that lied on the nightstand. Neatly folded with a small black case and a note on top. She pulled the blanket up more, holding it over her chest. She grabbed the note and began to read it.

    I hope you love the gift as much as I love you, baby.
                                          - Zeke xoxoxo

   Leah bit her lip as she smiled. She put the note back on the nightstand and grabbed the black case. She opened it and gasped. She smile at the necklace tearfully. She opened the box, seeing the heart shaped locket with a picture of the two. The outside had engravings on it, 'I love you! E.'
She took it out of the case and put it around her neck. It resting with the other necklace he gave her. She then stood up and cringed, her legs killing the living crap out of her.
"Damn you, Elliott." she grumbled.
She then began to put on her clothes.

"I can get her, Zoe." Zeke said as he reached out for Mackenzie.
Zoey pulled back with furrowed brows. "No, no, no, I got her."
   "Hey, guys." Leah smiled as she limped into the living room a little.
   Zoey and Diana eyes their sister suspiciously.
   "Hey, sister-in-law." Dak smiled as he hugged her.
   "Hey, bro-in-law." Leah smiled as she hugged him back.
   "I can hook up the x-box and the girls can have some girl time. Only if they want it." Zeke said.
   "I'm okay with that." Zoey said.
   "Me too." Diana said.
   "Okay. We'll be upstairs then, in the game room if you girls need us and . . . Yeah." he gave Mackenzie a kiss on her cheek. "I'll see this little munchkin later. Hopefully she won't be mad at me when I'm yelling my ass off." he kissed Leah's forehead. "And I'll see you later."
   "You're going upstairs. Not into war, Elliott." Zoey said.
   Dak laughed a little as he shook his head.
   "I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it." Zoey said then puckered out her lips.
   Dak gave her a kiss. "Happy?"
   "Yes, I am." she smiled.
Zeke shook his head with a smile, then he saw Leah was wearing the new necklace. He smirked a little and gave her another kiss. Dak and Zeke then walked away to the game room.
   Leah smiled at Zoey and Diana excitedly. "Let me show you what Zeke did for Mackenzie!"
   "What is it?"
"Follow me, come on!" she began to walk to the stairs.
   "Hey, what's that?" Diana said going closer to Leah.
   Leah looked at Diana confused. "What?"
   Diana turned her around and looked at Leah wide eyed, as well as Zoey.
   "Leah, you have a hickey on the back of you neck." Zoey whispered.
   Leah blushed. "Really?!"
   They nodded their heads.
   "Fucking shit. You're dead, Ezekiel Elijah Elliott." she muttered then shook her head. "Not my main priority. Just, follow me."
   "And you kind of have a . . . glow on you." Zoey said.
Leah furrowed her brows. "Glow? What do you mean by glow?"
"It's kinda hard to explain." Diana said.
Zoeys eyes widened and she gasped. "Wait a minute. Leah Mazarez, you did not!"
   Leah looked at her sister with a confused expression.
   "Did you and Zeke have sex?" Zoey whispered in her ear.
    Leah blushed a deep red, giving away the obvious.
   Zoey's jaw dropped to the floor. "Oh . . . My . . . Gosh . . . Oh, my gosh! Finally! I thought it would have never happened!"
   Leah gave her an are-you-kidding-me face.
   "You have to spill the beans!"
   Diana looked between them confused.
   "Is he good? Like on a scale of one to ten."
   Leah looked at Zoey wide eyed. She blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, uhm, let's just say that he has a water bed now."
   "Water bed?" Diana muttered puzzled.
   Zoeys eyes widened. "Damn, Leah. I see you." she bumped her hip into Leah's, being careful with Mackenzie, obviously.
"Can you guys tell me already?!" Diana said.
"We're done with this topic we're going to see what I wanted to show you two." Leah said, blushing furiously as walked away up the stairs, Zoey following behind.
"Guys! Seriously! Tell me!" Diana said before she followed after them.
(As I said/warned before, 🔞 and I suck at writing it. This was semi pre-written. I was writing this one and the other chapter almost at the same time. It actually helps me a little. Thank you for reading, hope you have a good day, and I really thank you for the support.)

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