"I never told anyone this. I tried to hide this battle from everyone, even from you. I put up an act that I was okay, that I was fine and my father doesn't affect me, but the truth is, it comes back to me. And every night, I don't want to close my eyes because I know that the nightmares will come back again. I lived on with it for years thinking that I can, and this would all go away but I was wrong. These scars at the marks of my past, and seeing them, torments me. And every time my father..."

He closed his eyes, and images flashed back at him. Lucius raised his cane, ready to hit him. The sound of the whips lashing onto his back. The torture curse hit his body, giving him agonizing pain and burn on his flesh. The flashing memories stopped when he felt Hermione hugging him. Her touch comforted him like he felt safe. And yes, he is now home.

"It's alright, love. You don't need to tell me if you're not yet ready. I will completely respect that." She assured him.

"No... It's fine." Draven mumbled. "You need to know my past. In this way, you could finally know me, know the real Draven Malfoy you are loving."

She nodded as Draven took a deep breath.

"My father is wicked, he is a monster, and he created these marks, and scars that would remind me how much of a weak person I am. These scars remind me that I am powerless, that I never defended myself from him. He won over me."

"I'm broken, Hermione. I'm sorry if I loved you, even though I'm not yet fully healed. I'm sorry if I lied to you, choosing not to tell you about this. I doubted you, thinking that you would leave me if you knew all about this. That you would pity me, and I don't want that for you to feel that way. I thought that if you would know about this, you will feel sorry for me and you will love me just because you are only doing me a favor for not leaving. I don't want, that."

His hands were shaking as he touched the scar on his body when Hermione suddenly held his hand. He looked at her, as the gaze that the bushy browned-haired girl gives him solace, saying that it was all right. It gives him warmth and it's only a simple gaze coming from the girl he truly loves.

"Love, you are not weak," Hermione said, still holding his hand. "Sometimes it's the scars that serve as a reminder that you made it. Scars can sometimes show that you are healed."

Draven looked at him, and she continued to speak.

"I will still love you no matter what, Draven. I will love you and all of these scars on your body. I will love you because you are Draven Malfoy, the man I fell in love with. Never be ashamed of your scars. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you. You are strong, my love. And I adore you for that, and I am much prouder for that."

"I will accept you wholeheartedly. You may have a dark past, a traumatic experience ever since you were young, thinking of ending yourself but it doesn't change the fact that you are the most loving, caring, and beautiful person I've ever met. I understand why you took your time in telling me all of these things. What you just unfolded are the horrifying memories that troubles you for a long time. But now...." Hermione cupped his face and looked into his eyes. "You are not alone anymore. I am here for you. We'll get through this, and you will get through this too, Draven. You don't need to carry all of your burdens, I can always offer you my shoulder when you needed. You always took care of me, made me feel loved, offering your shoulder when I needed it. But now that we're together, I will always be here for you, care for you, and love you."

Draven couldn't help but kiss Hermione after she said all of those words. It feels like all of his doubts, worries, and pain faded, and it was all replaced with love, hope, and happiness. He was happy, and he felt that by telling her everything, the burden he carried for a long time felt lighter. It was a shower of relief, as he ended their loving kiss.

"I'd rather spend one eternity with you than face the rest of the world's decades without you." The Slytherin boy softly spoke, their foreheads pressed to one another, just appreciating the peaceful ambiance, and their hearts beating together as one.

"This is the best 1st anniversary I've ever had." She replied, caressing his face. "I love you to the moon and back."

"I can't breathe." He said, smiling at her.

It felt poignantly beautiful as their night ended. They stayed up there all night, enjoying each other's presence that made them feel complete. Draven finally opened up to Hermione, and the Slytherin boy felt her genuine love and care. For Hermione, she admired how he told her about those traumatic experiences and now, she understood everything.

Now, she can completely love him, wholly until hell freezes over.


It was now the start of the holiday break and finally, it was time to leave Hogwarts. Draven already packed his things as he was waiting for Hermione at the Great Hall. 

"So you're staying with Uncle Sirius again?" Draco asked his brother. 

"Yeah. You know that I would." He said to his twin. 

"I don't know where do you find that courage to disobey him, knowing the things that he can do." Draco incredulously said as he look at his twin.

"To be honest, I am still scared, up until now. But, I should escape. Better for me to avoid him, enjoying these moments of freedom I have before he would cage me again." Draven told him and saw Hermione already walking down the aisle. "Oh, it's my cue to leave. I'll miss you, brother."

"I'll see you soon, bro." 

Draven left Draco and walked towards Hermione who kissed her. "Hi."

"Hi," Hermione replied. "So, you're staying with your uncle again."

"Yeah, and then I'll visit you." He poked her nose. 

"And you'll finally meet my parents." She shrieked in excitement. "I can't wait!"

"Me too." Draven amusingly spoke. "Let's go now, then?"

She nodded and held his hand. "Yes, my love."

Draven felt that their love grew stronger after that revelation. He knew that this girl right beside him will never leave her. She will never get tired of loving and understanding him. She will make him feel loved, and she will stay forever. He knows that forever is impossible, but with Hermione...

Love will make it possible...


(A/N: I just made the revelation a bit simple, and I didn't want to go unto details that much. But this is so hard to write, to be honest. I hope I did well. Now, going through the next one, let's hope for the best, because yeah, we're getting a bit close, folks...)

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