48| What I Meant To Say

Start from the beginning

"You see, Cor? Thanks to you, dating as we know it at John Adams High is over." Shawn told him.

"But everything's all right with me and Topanga." Cory replied.

Shawn chuckled slightly. "Are you kidding me? From this moment on, Topanga will be a gushing, love-struck puppy, hanging on to your every word."

Topanga than appeared around the corner and walked down the small flight of stairs. She continued walking until Cory stepped in front of her.

"I really have to go." Topanga told Cory before walking away from him.

"You see?" Shawn asked.

Zoey then gripped her hand tighter around Shawn's, who let out a small wince in pain and looked down at his girlfriend with a confused expression. Zoey raised her eyebrows at him with an innocent smile plastered on her face.

"I love you, Zo." Shawn said.

"Good. Because I love you, too." Zoey responded before she stood on her toes and pressed a kiss against his lips.   


Later during school when the bell had rung, meaning the end of class. Shawn and Zoey were currently walking through the halls, holding hands as they made their way over to find Cory.

When they walked around the corner, the two saw Cory holding a batch of flowers as he made his way over to Topanga, who was walking away from him.

"Oh, Topanga." Cory called which caused Topanga to walk faster away from him.

"No!" Shawn suddenly yelled. He released Zoey's hand and rushed over to Cory, tackling him to the ground.   

"Shawn, are you insane? You bull rushed me!" Cory exclaimed, getting up from the ground.

"I had to, man. Don't you know what you're doing?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, there's something wrong between me and Topanga and I want to find out what it is." Cory replied as Zoey walked up to them.

"Not by giving her these." Shawn said, snatching the flowers out of Cory's hand and passed them to a random jock that was walking by. "Here."

Zoey smiled. "Awe."

Shawn wrapped an arm around Cory's shoulder. "Look, Cory, I've been doing some thinking. Ow!"

"Okay, hun, don't think too hard." Zoey said, patting him on the back.

"The problem with your relationship is Topanga's got all the power now." Shawn told his best friend.

"What power?" Cory asked.

"The power you give up when you say, 'I love you'." Shawn answered.

"What?" Zoey wondered, placing her hands on her hips.

"But I do." Cory responded. "I mean, what's wrong with saying how I feel? What's wrong with telling some..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, b-b-but, look." Shawn started. "The longer you can go in a relationship without saying those words, the more power you hold. It's in books, man."

Zoey raised her eyebrows at her boyfriend. "Oh, really?"

"What books are you reading?" Cory asked.

"Men Are from Mars, Women Want to Blow Mars out of the Stinking Sky. They're after us, Cor. Be warned." Shawn said.

"So, this power, how do I get it back?" Cory wondered.

"Wait her out. Make her come to you." Shawn replied.

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