"So you make guitars for a lot of big rock stars?" A student asked.

"Most of them." Jedediah answered. "But I guess my real love is playing these things."

Jedediah began to play the guitar amazingly. Zoey's eyes widened and mouth parted in shock at how good he was playing.

Shawn, Zoey and Cory looked over at Mr. Matthews and gave him a thumbs up which he gladly responded back to the three of them.

"He's toast." Zoey and Shawn said in unison.

"He's toast." Cory agreed.

When Jedediah finished playing the guitar, a bunch of kids got out of their seats and went up to Topanga's father.

"Please... sit down, sit down. Come on, plenty more show." Mr. Turner told the kids. "Okay, let's see. Our next parent is..."

"Please no, please no, please no..." Cory begged quietly.

"Mr. Alan Matthews!" Mr. Turner announced and Zoey softly clapped. "Cory's father is a grocer. Now, you probably think that all he's going to talk about is how many different types of rice he stocks. I'm sure there's a lot more to it then that. Alan?"

"Well, uh... Uh, thank you for that, uh... intro." Mr. Matthews said rather nervously. "I don't... I don't know a lot of rock stars, but, uh... I do know this... I take... pride in what I do. Everybody needs groceries. I'd like to think we do more than sell lettuce and pickles and potato chips and bug spray. Umm... we sell... dreams."

"What aisle?" A student asked.

Mr. Matthews went on and on about the supermarket and now was currently passing out coupons out to all the kids in the class.

"All right, who didn't get a coupon? Have a couple left here." Mr. Matthews said and they were all silent. "This one... this one's for liquid soap. I guess I'll leave them here."

"Thank you very much, Alan. Thank you. That's took guts." Mr. Turner told him.

"Shawn, Zoey, was that as bad as I think it was?" Cory asked.

"No..." Zoey sarcastically trailed off.

"Not for me. I got sixty cents off Apple Jacks." Shawn answered.

Mr. Turner clapped his hands together. "Okay, let's see. Our next parent is...."

"Sorry, I'm late." Chet Hunter apologized as he walked into the classroom. "Uh, actually, I was out in the hall having a smoke. Don't endorse it, don't deny it."

"Dad!" Shawn called, standing up from his seat. "I thought you were gonna be outta town?"

"Oh, if anybody asks, I am." Chet replied before walking up to Mr. Turner. "Hi, Teach, Chet Hunter."

"How are ya?" Mr. Turner asked, taking Chet's card. "Okay, everyone, let's welcome Shawn's father."

"Chet Hunter." He introduced himself to the class.

"Shawn, what does your dad do for a living?" Zoey asked.

Shawn hushed her. "I want to find out."

"What do I do for a living?" Chet questioned. "You've go one man here who makes things with his own two hands." He motioned to Jedidiah. "You've got another one, puts food on America's table." He motioned to Mr. Matthews, who looked down. "And my hat's off to both of them. Me? Well, it's kind of hard to put your finger on what I do."

Zoey looked over to Shawn and noticed that he wasn't breathing.

"Shawn, you're not breathing." She told him.

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now