39| On The Air

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Shawn followed Zoey's movement, becoming curious. "Hm?"

"Yeah." Zoey said with a smile.

Cory and Shawn then began to pretending pushing buttons.

"Are you kidding me?!" Mr. Turner exclaimed.

Cory spread his arms wide. "Okay, we'll do it."

"We're natural." Shawn stated.

Zoey nodded with a wide smile. "We've got it all down."

"I've got a radio voice." Cory said, lowering his voice in a deep tone.

"And I've got a radio face." Shawn said with a smile.

"And I've got both." Zoey stated.

"So when can you get us on the air?" Shawn asked.

"If you guys are serious about this, I'll talk to Feeny after lunch." Mr. Turner answered.

"And now for you kiddos, Menudo." Mr. Feeny said over the speaker before another lame song started playing.

Zoey pursed her lips. "You were saying, Mr. Turner?"

"I'll talk to him now." Mr. Turner said, getting up from his chair and walked out of the cafeteria.


Next morning Shawn, Cory and Zoey were sitting down in the student broadcasting room, interviewing a girl named Sara, since no one else wanted to do the radio.

"Hi, I'm Cory Matthews, along with Shawn Hunter and Zoey Francis and we're back with the most interesting show topic they would give us: Meet your student council. Our guest today is Sara Fairburn, secretary treasure of your student counsel. And according to Mr. Feeny's program log, we'll be discussing the cancellation of the ninth-grade spring dance." Cory informed into the microphone and turned to Sara, beside him. "Now, Sara, I imagine there's quite a story here."

"No. We just ran out of money." Sara simply answered.

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh." Cory said, motioning Sarah to continue on.

"So we're gonna have a bake sale and try and save our dance." Sarah added.

"Ah! Fascinating. Go on." Cory insisted.

"That's about it." Sara responded.

"Anything else?" Zoey wondered as she sat between both her best friends.

Sarah shook her head. "No... not really."

"Ah, come on. What are you hiding?" Cory questioned.

"Stop badgering her." Shawn told him.

Cory covered the microphone and turned to Shawn. "I gotta badger her, we got nothing else to talk about.

"Ugh, this show stinks." Shawn complained, lying his down in his arms on the desk. Zoey nodded in agreement and rested her on Shawn's shoulders.

"Now, Sara, you mentioned a bake sale. What is the profit margin on a cupcake?" Cory asked.

"What are you talking about?" Sara wondered.

"Shawn, help me. Shawn! Zoey!" Cory urged, jabbing his elbow into Zoey's side. The brunette lifted her head and decided to ruffle Shawn's hair quickly.

"Oh.." Shawn groaned as he sat back up. "Oh, Zoey, I dreamed Cory was doing the most painfully boring radio show in the world." He then pointed to Sara. "And you were there. And you... oh."

"All right, now let's hear what you, the listeners, think." Cory said into the microphone. "Call us. Now. Please?"

Zoey groaned when the phones didn't ring.

It's My Life • Shawn HunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora