"Sure, come on over." Shawn insisted.

Both Cory and Zoey followed Shawn to the booth that he was sitting at. When Shawn sat, Zoey looked on the other side of the booth to see Eric.

"Shawn, don't take this the wrong way, but your date looks a while lot like Eric." Zoey pointed out.

"Hey, Cor, Zo." Eric greeted. Zoey narrowed her eyes, it sounded like he was hiding something.

"She's got the voice down too." Cory said. "So, what's going on?"

"Eric and I doubling." Shawn replied. "The girls are just in the bathroom."

"Oh, you're doubling?" Cory asked.

"Yeah, you know, on the date you couldn't make." Shawn responded.

"What?" Zoey asked in confusion.

"The date I couldn't make?" Cory questioned, sounding just as confused as Zoey.

"Uh, Shawn... Ha-ha! You forgot the drinks." Eric told him, handing Shawn some money. "Here you go."

"Oh, yeah." Shawn said, nodding.

Shawn got out of his seat and walked back over to the counter, while Zoey just stood beside Cory, awkwardly as he looked at his older brother with a hurt expression.

"See, he... he forgot the drinks." Eric quickly explained, sounding like he covering up something. "So, Cor, only seven months to your birthday, huh?"

"Eric, tell me about the date I couldn't make." Cory said.

"It's not a date, like you know.... date." Eric stated. "It's just kinda me and Shawn and Kim and Kim's cousin form New York. Just having dinner. But enough about me. What do you want for your birthday?"

"Eric, I want the truth." Cory told his older brother. "Why wouldn't you ask me to come on the date with you?"

Zoey then heard footsteps coming towards them. She turned her head to see two girls walking over towards the booth.

"Hey, not now, the girls are coming." Eric whispered.

"Kim, you remember Cor?" Eric asked his girlfriend, standing up beside her.

"I'm your brother. What's wrong with me?" Cory wondered.

"Oh, yeah. You're the little boy who spits water." Kim said.

"He spits water? Why does he spit water?" Kim's cousin asked.

"For attention, I guess." Kim answered.

"Is it funny? Could I see it? Would you show it to me?" Kim's cousin questioned, looking at Cory.

"I'm not feeling real funny right now, but... Zoey and I gotta head out, so you guys just go back to your date." Cory responded, trying not to sound hurt. "Come on, Zo, let's go."

Zoey nodded and walked over to the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Cory.

Eric sighed. "Oh, come on, Cor..."

"Eric, I'm fine, okay? Let's not push how fine I am." Cory said before he made his way over towards Zoey.

"Cory, you upset with me?" Eric asked and Cory didn't respond. "Cory?" His little brother made his way up the stairs. "Cory. Com on, Cory."

"Eric, it's fine." Cory assured. "And... thanks for remembering my name."


".... and so, Harry Truman... the humble little sweater-vest wearing man from Missouri... shocked everyone by bringing World War II to a swift and decisive end. And then, by winning reelection, even when the press had counted him out. Ha-ha!" Mr. Feeny finished explaining to the class.

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now