28- I Need Guidance

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My stomach had no appetite for food that day during lunch. In fact, my brain had no appetite for learning that day either. It was impossible to focus in any of my classes that day. How could I? Hector forced me to call Hailey and I couldn't even say hello. Yes, it was quite an eventful morning. Instead of eating lunch in the cafeteria, I found myself in the office of the guidance counselor who was enjoying his lunch.

"Mr. Phillips," greeted the guidance counselor. "To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"

I couldn't believe I was about to ask this. "Mr. Myers, do you know which school Hailey Romero plans to attend in the fall? Any information at all would be helpful."

Mr. Myers lit up his eyes at the question which I'm sure he was definitely not expecting. For a brief moment, he even choked on his banana. Once the throat was cleared, there was an answer.

"I'm sorry Jeremy, I can't give you that information. That's confidential. I could get in a lot of trouble if that information was given to you. Have you considered asking her directly where she plans to attend school in the fall?

"Yeah, I considered it, but I can't even say hello to her." Without hesitation, I took a seat. "Maybe I could say hello to her in the fall if we both attended the same university."

For a brief moment, Mr. Myers stared at me while sipping on his Diet Coke. Somebody had to say something. He spoke once he made a big swallowing noise.

"You know," he began while crossing his right leg over the left leg. "This isn't the first time you've been in my office this year regarding college. The last time you were in here, you were worried that none of the schools you applied for were going to accept you. Did any of the schools that you applied for at least accept you?"

"Yeah, I got accepted by three schools." At this point, my hair was turning into a mess. "The Manhattan School of Music, Columbia University, and the University of Virginia."

"Yes," with his leg crossing, he joined his fingers together on his lap. "I see. You've been accepted by three schools. All very fine schools if I might add. But something tells me this is more than about Hailey. Yes, she's a fine young lady, but there is definitely something more. What is this really about?"

Spinning the chair around, a moment to think of some sort of response was taken. "Since January, I've been calling the Good Hands Psychic Hotline about which school I should be attending this fall. I keep trying to get information and advice. I keep thinking that they might be able to help me choose the right college. But most of the time, I end up talking to a psychic for over two hours with nothing figured out." Just like that, my arms were on his desk with my palms over my forehead. "My dad pulled the plug on the phone yesterday morning when I called them. Honestly, I would've been gladly late for school if they told me what college to go to."

It was clear that this was a lot of information for Mr. Myers who found himself standing from his chair and reached for his diploma on the wall to show me. The man graduated from The University of Notre Dame ten years ago.

"You know, I was a lot like you when I was a senior. There were so many ideas in my head that I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life after high school. Hell, my girlfriend broke up with me after I started canceling our dates. And they were canceled all because I was worried. In the end, everything worked out and I ended up at Notre Dame with a nice degree in counseling."

He paused to take another sip of his Diet Coke. "You know what helped me decide to go to Notre Dame?" Without waiting for a response, the question was answered. "Taking a tour of the campus. That was it. That was the weekend that changed everything and ended all that anxiety. Mr. Phillips, have you taken any tours yet?" 

"Well, Hector took me on a road trip to visit three campuses this past summer, but of course, none of those places accepted me." 

The man sat down again. "Well, that's a problem. Wouldn't you say? Sure, you took three tours this past summer. That's nice and all. But remember, none of those three places accepted you. Have you considered taking a tour to the places that did accept you? Believe it or not, the Manhattan School of Music is hosting tours next weekend. Would you be interested?"

"Next weekend?" Yeah, I was a bit hesitant. While New York wasn't that far off, it would still take some time to get there. The entire weekend would be gone in the blink of an eye.

Mr. Myers could see the hesitation in the soul of my eyes. "Before you say no, 'College Ready' is actually sponsoring this trip. They're going to be paying for everything. The bus ride, the housing, the food, and everything else you can think of. For once, you wouldn't have to worry about a thing. Doesn't that sound nice? A carefree weekend in New York City during the summer. Imagine that."

It did sound nice, but for some reason, I couldn't say yes just yet.

"Can I get back to you on that? I need time to think. The Manhattan School of Music wasn't really on my radar."

The wonderful Mr. Myers rolled his eyes before responding. "Of course, but you have until this Monday to make a decision. Choose wisely."

Just like that, I was ready to leave the office still feeling unsure about everything. Of course, Myers wanted another quick word.

"By the way, what's with this interest in Hailey? Isn't she dating your bully, Ted?"

"They broke up yesterday." Just like that, I was out.

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Have you ever taken a tour of a college?

Should Jeremy tour the Manhattan School of Music?

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