Studio Date Nights

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Your smile grew as soon as Yoongi opened up the door to the boy's dorm, inviting you in. His eyes were instantly drawn to the bags of takeout that you held in your hand, watching regretfully as you walked straight past him and through to Hobi's dorm, inhaling the scent of the food.

It had been a little over a week since you'd last caught up with Hobi, you knew that he was busy, and the last thing you wanted to be was a disturbance. But you also wanted to make sure he was taking the best possible care of himself.

When you asked Namjoon what Hobi's plans were for the evening, and he replied that it would be another long night in the studio for him, you knew you finally had to step in. Whilst the boys all looked after each other, none of them could care for him quite like you.

You walked the dorm, peering through the window of Hobi's dressing room to see him sat at his desk, scribbling down on a piece of paper.

Gently, your hand reached out, knocking lightly three times until his chair spun around. His eyes lit up when he saw you stood on the other side of the door, beckoning for you to head in with his hand, making a seat for you on the sofa against the back wall.

You barely had time to step into the studio before a pair of arms wrapped around you. "This is a nice surprise," he whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss against your cheek before encouraging you to take a seat and relax beside him.

"I thought I'd come and see some of the fun you've been getting up to," you smiled, handing the bag of takeout to him. "You've been working tirelessly within these four walls recently, so I thought you'd appreciate a familiar face."

Even though he was very aware of the real reason you were there, and appreciated how much you cared, he couldn't deny how happy he was to see you. He'd missed you a lot, and even if the two of you appreciated work came first, that didn't stop him always wanting you.

You watched on as Hobi laid out the food containers on his desk, moving a few pieces of equipment. "Be careful," you quickly warned him, knowing how expensive so much of the items around the food were.

"Don't worry about all of that, it's easily replaceable," Hobi told you, as if it were all nothing. "What's important to me right now is time with you, and tucking into all of this food, I'm absolutely starving. I swear sometimes you can just read my mind and know exactly what I want," he chuckled, handing over to you one of the plates you bought.

"It's all so fancy," you whispered as you looked around.

Hobi quickly followed your gaze, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. He'd always been keen to introduce you to his life a little more, and now seemed like the perfect chance for him to fil you in on more about everything that he did.

"I used that keyboard to write the song that I wrote for you," he began to point out to you, "and that microphone beside it was used to record Jungkook's vocals because apparently I wasn't a good enough singer to sing the song."

"You're an incredible singer," you quickly reassured him, "I'll be having words with Jeon Jungkook the next time I see him."

His head shook as he began to show you around a little more. You'd always seen so many things in his studio, questioning what most of them did. The number of buttons and switches was terrifying sometimes, leaving you frozen to the spot.

"What happens if I press this one?" You asked, hovering your finger over one of the green nodes that was at the left side of his desks. "Is it like one of those you see in movies where they end up ejecting you from your seat and send you flying through the roof?"

His lips pressed against your cheek, "you're cute, but no. I wish it was more interesting than that, but it only switches on so I can talk to whoever is in the recording booth."

With that, you quickly raced around so that you were in the sound booth, placing the headphones over the top of your head. A loud chuckle escaped as you heard Hobi's booming voice through the headphones, flinching out how loud it was.

"Come back through," he laughed, "I miss you here with me."

As soon as you were back in Hobi's studio, his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into his lap. A squeal escaped as the chair flew back at the speed of your fall, feeling his chin rest against your shoulder and lips dance against your cheek. Your body turned inwards to rest against his chest, settling closely to him.

"The food is getting cold," you squirmed as Hobi continued to press kisses against your skin. "Just give yourself some time off from working and being a good boyfriend and take care of yourself and eat some food."

With your words, he reluctantly let you go, but made sure you stayed in his lap, pulling his chair back across to his desk so the food was in reach for you both. You watched him closely, allowing him to eat first, making sure that his plate was piled high.

He could feel your eyes watching him closely, but he also knew there was never any arguing with you, if he had done the previous few nights, he wasn't going to get away with not eating tonight.

"This is cute," Hobi whispered once the two of you settled beside each other with your meals. "It's exactly what I need."

Your head nodded, making sure that the dishes were a safe distance from all of his equipment. "I reckon we make studio date night a regular theme."

"I like the sound of it too," he hummed, "I reckon I'll be able to work a lot better too knowing that I have my favourite piece of inspiration beside me. That's you by the way, before you start trying to be funny again."

Your eyes widened at how well he knew you, feeling his hand cover your mouth before you even had the chance to protest to him.

"I'm not finished yet," he laughed, moving his hand away from your mouth. "I wanted to tell you how thankful I am to have you here even though I've been working ridiculously hard lately. To know that you still think of me even when I'm so distant from you really does mean the world to me. So, thank you, not just for this either."

"You don't need to say thank you, I love looking after you, and I love adventuring with you, even if it is just to the studio. Seeing everything you're working on is exciting, and watching you do what you love makes me so happy."

His smile grew once again, "you're the best, thank you for coming into my life, and also bringing me plenty of good food."

"Thank you for welcoming me into your studio."

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