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Jungkook came back home by noon and as he has promised, they both left for Daegu. Taehyung tried to postpone the visit saying that he was not feeling well as he was still a little sore but Jungkook promised him that he will take care of him.

After a lot more convincing, Taehyung agreed and they both left for Kim Mansion. Taehyung was moody all through the drive because according to him, Jungkook has forgotten about their six month anniversary while Jungkook didn't even tried to hint him that he remembers the special day.

'' Tae....we are here baby.'' Jungkook called, waking up Taehyung from his sleep. The pink haired boy opened his eyes, closing them immediately when the bright light entered his eyes. It took him a moment to adjust and when he looked around, he realised that it was evening and they were in the garage of Kim Mansion.

He tried to get out of the car but hissed slightly. Jungkook noticed it picked up the boy in his arms making Taehyung look at him sweetly. He loves a caring Jungkook.

He wrapped his arms around the ravenette's neck and hide his face in ravenette's broad chest, making Jungkook smile proudly.

The ravenette walked upto the main door and put down Taehyung who looked at Jungkook confusedly.

'' I don't want Jin Hyung to scold me, Baby.'' Jungkook reasoned innocently.

'' Wow... You are scared of holding me in front of him?'' The pink haired boy asked with a raised eyebrow.

'' No...Its not like that...I am scared that I will not be able to hold you again if Jin Hyung saw me holding you like this....what if he asked why I was carrying you?'' He asked.

'' Then tell him that you wrecked me so good that I am still sore.'' Taehyung teased.

''Baby...You want me dead that badly?''

If you really forgot about our anniversary then I am going to tell Jin Hyung myself.-Taehyung thought to himself.

'' Of course not Kookie.... You are scared of him questioning you carrying me, what if he saw these?'' Taehyung asked, removing his scarf from the neck, revealing Jungkook's love bites and hickeys all over his skin.

The ravenette panicked immediately and took the scarf from Taehyung's hand and wrapped it around his neck again, carefully, making sure no hickey is visible. Taehyung chuckled and Jungkook looked at him pleadingly.

'' Baby....no matter what happens, please don't let this scarf move from its place.'' Jungkook said desperately and Taehyung laughed out.

'' Oh God, Kookie....Jin Hyung is not that dangerous.''

''I know him well okay....just take care of it or you will not be able to get this dick again.'' Jungkook pointed towards his crotch making Taehyung hit him on his chest.

They both were standing on the door forgetting that they have to ring the bell for the door to open.

After a few minutes of their talk, Jungkook stood up straight and rung the doorbell but nobody came to open it. Taehyung became confused and ring it again but nobody came. He looked at Jungkook questioningly who shrugged.

Taehyung went to knock the door but it opened slightly making Taehyung more confused. He opened the door completely and saw what he can see- Only darkness.

'' Are they not at home?''

''I don't know baby....Hyung told me that he will be home.'' Jungkook replied innocently.

Taehyung looked ahead again to see something but nothing came in his view. Suddenly, the lights came to life making the whole mansion glow in golden light.

Crashing My Best Friend's Wedding.(taekook)Where stories live. Discover now