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Third person POV

When your heart shatters, nothing seem to matter anymore. The pain that a person feel inside can never be compared to anything in this world when you lose your love.

Love... How beautiful it sounds....doesn't it?... The most beautiful feeling this world. A feeling that makes you smile without any reason, a feeling, that makes you hum romantic songs even without realising.. an emotion that is the strongest among all the emotions in this world.

Suddenly, a stranger becomes your everything. Your happiness starts with him and ends on him only. The flutter in you belly whenever the person you love looks at you makes you feel like you are on cloud nine, the softest and the most gentle touch makes a shiver run down your spine. The fast beating of your heart whenever they come close to you and the sadness that you feels when the person you love is kept apart is unique.

When you are in love, you want all their attention, care and love to be yours only. How irritated you becomes when your love cares for someone else in a way that you want him to care for you only.... Love is just amazing.

But what if your love is not going to be yours?... What if you know that the person you love will never be yours because he love someone else?... What if you realise that you are late to confess your feelings?... What if you feel like you have lost the last of you hope?...

It becomes unbearable..... You become desperate. You waits for some miracle to happen that can take your pain away because the hurt you feel inside yourself makes you feel like its not worth living. You just want to leave everything and go.....go somewhere, where there is no emotions, no feelings so that you can no longer feel any of it.

And that's what Taehyung was feeling at the moment.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks but he didn't tried to wipe them because he knew..... he knew that they will flow again..... He wanted to go in a state of mind where everything become numb so that the pain he was feeling no longer affect him.

He ran towards his room, not caring what anyone will think if they saw him. His heart aching again and again as Jungkook's words kept repeating in his mind.

'' I love you too...''

He wanted someone to stop this sound in his mind which was ringing like an alarm clock.

Love is the most beautiful feeling that destroys you in the most amazing ways.....

He was running towards his room when Ara came in front of him.

'' Tae...I was.....Tae?...'' Ara was going to say something but she became confused when the pink haired boy didn't stop and ran to his room like he didn't even noticed the girl.

Ara went behind him when she felt like something was wrong. Taehyung's sudden panicked face and the tears on his cheeks made Ara scared as she had never seen her friend like that ever.

Taehyung closed the door harshly as he sat down leaning to it as he hugged his knees tightly close to his chest. He didn't tried to hide his painful wails as his heart wanted to scream in agony. Tears flowed like a constant flowing stream that don't know an end.

Just when he thought that everything is going to be fine as he tell everything to Jungkook, things crushed down on him making him lose himself in his sorrow. All of his hopes were gone as his mind registered the meaning of those three words said by Jungkook to Jimin. It was his fault that he didn't realise that what he thought as friendship was way more than that. He thought it was his fault that Jungkook is never going to be his now.

The painful sobs and heavy breathing echoed in the room as Taehyung cried into his hands, muffling his voice. His body shivering with pain.

'' Tae....Tae what happened?.. open the door.'' Ara knocked on the door but Taehyung was not in a condition to tell her to go and leave him alone, he kept sobbing.

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