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In your arms are both my worlds

Wherever you're, my heaven is there.

The fire that is burning on both sides, May that never get extinguished.

That's my wish.

You're my desire, I am your love.

You are my poem, I'm your music....


'' What is all this, Kookie?'' Taehyung asked looking around the messy room as Jungkook and Jimin stood up.

'' Oh t-that.....We were just p-playing pillow fight...right, C-Chim?'' Jungkook lied glaring towards Jimin to say something who immediately nodded his head in agreement.

'' Y-yes...Haha...I-its nothing.'' Jimin supported the ravenette's lie. Taehyung narrowed his eyes when he noticed the little conversation the two boys had through their eyes.

'' What are you guys hiding?'' Taehyung asked narrowly, jealousy taking a toll on his mind.

'' We?...W-what would we hide from y-you?...There is nothing like t-that, angel.'' Jungkook said but the pink haired boy didn't buy his lie.

'' Why were you hugging him like that?'' Taehyung asked again and Jimin immediately wiped his face to hide his tears.

'' Oh t-that?....Chim is so dramatic, as you al-already know. He just bumped into something and started c-crying so I was just consoling him.'' Jungkook replied nervously gulping when Taehyung looked at him unbelievingly while Jimin nodded his head supporting the ravenette with a nervous smile but Taehyung was clearly seeing through their lies.

'' If you were playing pillow fight then why is the blanket on the floor?....Or you guys were playing 'lets mess up the room together'?'' Taehyung asked examiningly and JiKook looked at him sheepishly. Actually it was all Jungkook's fault but Jimin had to support him at the moment if he wants Jungkook to be alive today because looking at Taehyung, anyone can tell that he is in a mood to kill someone right now.

Well, for Taehyung....The boy was getting so worried when Jungkook just left the breakfast and ran to his room so abruptly and without saying anything. He wanted to come after him but Yoongi told him to wait here as Jimin was with the ravenette to talk to him so he was forced to stay there against his wish. And when he couldn't wait anymore, he came here and got all shocked seeing Jimin hugging his Kookie so comfortably like he don't want to go anywhere else other then his embrace.

His heart dropped at the sight and the jealousy which crept up his nerves was now speaking in his voice. He want to know the exact relation between the two boys standing in front of him. He was told that they both are just friends while he know very clearly that there is more to it than a normal friendship....Yes, Taehyung is very smart. But will somebody tell me where does this smartness goes when it comes to him and Jungkook?.....

Anyways, He was standing there, with his arms crossed on his chest and eyes narrowed as he waited for some kind of response from the two boys but it never came as they both started looking everywhere around themselves ignoring his question.

'' Kookie?...Why did you run from the breakfast table?'' Taehyung finally asked the question his mind was forcing him to ask.

'' Umm...T-that...Actually what happened...What happened Chim?'' Jungkook asked for some excuse but Jimin looked at him glaring like 'it was you who ran from there, not me, bitch.' and Jungkook gulped.

'' Oh yeah...I remember it now....Actually I forgot my phone in the room and came here to t-take that. I was just c-coming down and Chim came here and started the p-pillow fight. He is so insane...that's why I says t-that his upper floor is b-blank.....'' Jungkook replied and Jimin looked at him like he will just jump onto him and pull out all of his hairs so Jungkook avoided looking at him.

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