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Coming out of the sunlight, slipping from the shade,

The time stopped right there, the place where we met.

The sky melted and turned into glass, when it froze then

It took the shape of your face....


'' Hyung, where is Tae?'' Jungkook asked Jin who was arranging the breakfast on the table for everyone.

'' Where else, he must be in his room.'' Jin replied dismissively and Jungkook became worried.

'' No hyung, He is not there. In fact, I checked everywhere in the house, in the garden, on the rooftop but he is nowhere.'' Jungkook said worriedly and Jin looked confusedly at him.

'' What?...but where will he go so early in the morning?'' Jin asked and the ravenette shrugged his shoulders. Jimin and Hobi also came there, with Jimin ignoring a whining Hobi who was saying something about last night.

'' What happened, Kook?...You look worried.'' Jimin asked becoming a little worried himself. He can't help it, after all, he loves this person a lot.

'' I couldn't find Tae. He is nowhere Chim. I checked everywhere. Did you saw him today?'' Jungkook asked and Jimin shook his head.

'' No Kook, I overslept today because someone kept knocking on my door till the late night.'' Jimin replied glaring at Hobi who made puppy eyes but it didn't affected Jimin or if it did, he is never going to say that out loud.

'' Did he told anyone that he was going somewhere?'' Jungkook asked and everyone shook their head in unison.

'' Who has gone and where?'' Yoongi asked entering the dining area and Jungkook rolled his eyes. he was tired of telling the same thing again and again so Jimin took the chance and explained everything.

'' Oh....Did you tried to call him?'' Yoongi asked and everyone gasped.

'' W-What?'' Yoongi asked when everyone kept looking at him like he was an alien.

'' Why didn't I thought that before?'' Jungkook replied and fished out his phone from his pocket.

'' Because your upper floor is blank, Kook.'' Jimin can't let the chance slip by.

'' Oh shut up Chim, that's my dialogue.'' Jungkook huffed and everyone chuckled.

'' But it is suitable in this situation...isn't it, Jin Hyung?'' Jimin asked and Jin agreed immediately.

'' Fuck off, Chim.''

'' No cursing at the breakfast table, Jungkook.'' Jin scolded immediately.

'' Fine, I will go and curse him in the living room then, happy?'' The ravenette was already tensed and all the teasing was making him more frustrated. He dialled the number and walked out.

'' No cursing in my house, you dumbshit.'' Jin shouted behind him and everyone looked at him with raised eyebrow making Jin glare at them like 'say something and see' so everyone just got busied in themselves.

Jungkook placed the phone on his ear and heard a ring but what surprised him was the sound of the ringtone of Taehyung's phone that was coming from the front door.

'' I am home, everyone.'' Taehyung shouted happily entering the house and Jungkook's lips curled up into a broad smile without his noticing it. He is so weak for his smile.

'' You seems extra happy. Where were you, BTW, angel?'' Jungkook asked smiling and Taehyung flashed him his boxy smile as they both walked towards the dining table.

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