31| Fear Strikes Out

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"Relax, man. Have a snack." Shawn suggested as the three walked over to the food table. "Carbo load for the big race."

"With bean dip?" Cory questioned in disgust and looked up at Shawn. "Are you out of your mind?"

Zoey furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you worried about, your breath?"

Cory immediately placed his fingers against his mouth. "My breath! I didn't even think about that! Oh, man! I'm gonna kill 'em comin' and going! I'll blow us both out of the closet! I'm gettin' out of here."

Cory was about to turn and leave the party, but Topanga appeared in front of him. She wore a long flowery dress.

"Hi, Cory." Topanga greeted with a warm smile.

"Hi, Topanga." Cory greeted as he quickly placed his fingers against his mouth. "Boy, what a great party, huh? I was great. I was in the closet for fourteen minutes. I'm gonna go home and ice my lips."

Cory tried to quickly dash out of the building, but Shawn and Zoey immediately grabbed onto his arm, stopping him from doing so.

"Cory!" Shawn and Zoey exclaimed in unison.

"Eric was right. Too much can go wrong." Cory explained nervously.

"Cory, chill. You're gonna be fine." Shawn assured. "And you know why? 'Cause right up until the second you got into that closest, we're right here with you, no matter what. 'Cause it's Cory, Shawn and Zoey, the three of us."

"Shawn and Zoey." A person called out for seven minutes in heaven.

"See ya!" Shawn exclaimed excitedly. He grabbed onto Zoey's hand and dragged her towards the closet.

Zoey didn't have any time to process and before she knew it, she was already inside the closet with Shawn. The door was slammed shut and it was basically pitch black inside the closet.

"Shawn this feels weird." Zoey admitted softly.

"Why does it feel weird?" Shawn wondered.

"Because I'm dating Leo." Zoey replied in a 'duh' tone. "And he was meant to be you, and he was gonna be my first. But n-"

"Wait, wait, wait." Shawn said, interrupting his best friend. "You haven't had your first kiss, yet?"

"No." Zoey answered with a frown. "And I was gonna have it tonight, but Leo didn't show."

"Maybe I could be your first so you wouldn't be afraid." Shawn suggested.

Shawn stepped closer and his lips were then on hers, faintly, but they were still there. It was Zoey's first kiss, and didn't know what to do, so Shawn took the lead. He kissed her a little deeper, feeling more confident as she slowly began to kiss back, her hands moving to his shoulders.

Shawn moved his hands to her waist. Their eyes had flickered shut a long time ago. Their kiss was slow but passionate, showing just how much they cared about each other.

They pulled away a few seconds later, both panting slightly, blushes quickly coating their cheeks.

"Wow." Shawn breathed.

"I know." Zoey said with a slight giggle.

Shawn chuckled before he grabbed a shirt from the closet and replaced it with the one that he currently had on. Zoey laughed softly.

"All right, kids. Now, times up." A voice called out. The door opened and Shawn automatically closed it again. "Come on, come on. No overtime, no extra innings."

Both Shawn and Zoey had wide smiles on their faces as they walked out of the closet and towards Cory, who looked at them suspiciously.

"Is that the shirt you went in with?" Cory asked Shawn, looking at the item of clothing.

It's My Life • Shawn HunterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin