29| Wake Up, Little Cory

Start from the beginning

When Shawn shut the door behind him, Lucy looked up and saw her daughter before a wide smile spread across her lips when she saw Shawn.

"Hey. Shawn." Lucy greeted warmly. "How come you're over?"

"We're just doing a project." Shawn responded with a small smile.

Zoey and Shawn raced upstairs to Zoey's room. When they reached her room, they placed their bags down by her bed and got to work. Shawn grabbed the camera and pointed it at Zoey.

"So, Zoey... How do you feel about love and sex?" Shawn asked.

"Love is the key thing of a relationship, it also makes you and the other person have something more in common with. And with sex, if there's no love there's no point in having sex." Zoey simply responded.

After the question, Shawn passed the camera over to Zoey. She held the camera and pointed in Shawn's face.

"How do you know if you're in love, Shawn?" Zoey questioned.

"Well, love is the most amazing, rare and precious thing in the whole world." Shawn answered softly.

"Have you ever fallen in love?" Zoey asked with raised eyebrows.

"Five times a day." Shawn replied with a wide smile.

Zoey placed down the camera and noticed that Shawn was still smiling. Her cheeks are suddenly kissed pink like a spring rose, the blooming color so cute against her skin.

"Let's interview my mum." Zoey suggested.

Shawn and Zoey walked downstairs and asked Lucy if she wanted to do the interview and she agreed. Lucy sat down on the couch while Shawn placed the camera on her, and Zoey sat beside Shawn.

"Okay, mum here's the deal. I need you to be very mature about this. And talk about sex." Zoey told her mother.

"Sex is like voting. It's a privilege that you may choose to exercise, when you're old enough. And you don't want to vote for somebody you haven't known for a really long time, or have strong feelings for, because you may be stuck with that person for quite a while." Lucy explained.

Zoey smiled. "Thanks, Mum."

"Anytime, sweetie." Lucy responded.

When they were finally finished with their project, Shawn and Zoey walked into the kitchen to get drinks. Zoey grabbed two sodas out of the fridge and walked towards the kitchen table, where Shawn was sitting at.

"So, you and Leo? What's happening between the two of you?" Shawn wondered, looking down at his hands.

"I mean, we're together." Zoey said as she sat down beside him.

"I mean... have you two even kissed yet?" Shawn asked.

Zoey huffed lightly. "No. I want to wait for the right moment."

"Do you really love him?" Shawn questioned.

Zoey furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Shawn, what's with all the questions? I like Leo, but I don't love him yet."

Shawn hesitated for a moment before he spoke. "It's just weird... seeing you with another guy apart from Cory and I...  it's kind of like we're losing you."

"You're not gonna lose me." Zoey simply assured.

Zoey reached out and held Shawn's hand. Her skin tingled where he was touching and her heart beat erratically in her chest so hard that she thought it might fly out. There were butterflies - no, lions - in her chest, but it felt good.

The emotions in Shawn's eyes was fathoms deep, yet they carried the warmth and life of the sunlit surface. They had a thousand hues of blue and a small touch of hazel radiating of softly swooping arcs.

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now