22| I Dream of Feeny

Start from the beginning

"Feeny's test tomorrow is going to be such a killer." Shawn complained as the three of them made their way over to the kitchen table, and sat down.

"Yeah, I don't understand why we have to learn anything about geography." Cory said. "Why do we have to learn where everything is? I'll just be like my dad and drive around till I find it."

Zoey scoffed. "Cory, I don't know if you've ever been called this, but.... you're a strange little man."

"Look at Feeny." Shawn said. Zoey turned to see Mr. Feeny outside. He was behind the fence, planting a duck windmill. "He's out there hanging up some geeky duck. Not a care in the world... while we're stuck in here studying for his lame test. Yeah. Life's fair."

"Yeah, like we're even studying." Zoey said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, we haven't actually done any studying yet." Cory pointed out. "Maybe we should get started.

Shawn grabbed the cue cards off the table. "Okay. What is the capital of North Dakota?"

"Banff." Cory said, confidently.

Zoey shook her head. "Wrong. It's Bismarck."

Shawn and Cory snapped their heads towards the brunette, shocked with a hint of surprised in their facial expressions.

"How did you know that?" Shawn questioned.

"I may have done a little bit of studying." Zoey admitted with smirk.

Shawn sighed in defeat. "We're toast."

"Let's just say we're sick and stay home tomorrow." Cory suggested.

"I can't, Cor. I've already used all my bogus medial excuses." Shawn explained. "Feeny's says If my grandma dies one more time... he wants to see the body."

"How come it has to be us?" Cory wondered, getting up from his chair. "Why should we always be the ones faking a disease to get out of school?" He walked over to the back door, looking at Mr. Feeny. "How come Feeny can't shoulder a little more responsibility?"

"Ah, dream on. I hear he hasn't missed a day of school since World War One." Shawn muttered as he flickered through his Geography book.

"That's just stupid on his part... because teachers still get paid when they're sick." Cory said, making his way back to the kitchen table.

Zoey gave him a confused expression. "What?"

"You lie." Shawn said, calling out Cory's bluff.

"I swear! Minkus said the school board pays them to be sick for a whole week every year." Cory responded.

"Well, maybe Feeny doesn't know that." Shawn said, standing up from his chair. "Maybe we should leave him a unanimous note on his desk."

Zoey huffed. "He's gonna know it was you two."

"Yeah." Cory agreed. "Won't help us dodge that geography bullet tomorrow." He walked to the back door, looking at Feeny again. "Come on... cough."

Instead of coughing, Mr. Feeny took a deep breath as he looked at his windmill, proudly.


At the beginning of School, Shawn, Cory and Zoey walked into Mr. Feeny's classroom. They stopped in the entrance and stared at Topanga, who was on her head, leaning against the wall.

"There's a look." Shawn stated.

"Don't tell me. You've died and come back as a bat with a perm." Cory guessed.

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