18| It's A Wonderful Night

Start from the beginning

"Are you kidding? Having fun is what he's best at." Cory told him.

"You reckon?" Zoey asked, raising her eyebrows.

The phone suddenly rang. Zoey looked behind the couch and saw Mr. Feeny answering it.

"You're where? I'll come get you." Mr. Feeny said into the phone.

Cory turned to Mr. Feeny. "What's wrong?"

"It appears that Eric is at the compound." Mr. Feeny responded. "Come on. Grab your coats and lets go."

Shawn, Zoey and Cory sighed before they grabbed their jackets and walked towards Mr. Feeny's car.


Mr. Feeny drove Shawn, Zoey, Morgan and Cory in his car to the compound lot where Eric was at. When they all walked into the small office, Zoey sat two blonde girls leaving the office while Jason stood beside Eric.

Eric smiled once he saw Mr. Feeny and hugged him. "Ah, Mr. Feeny. I never thought I'd be happy to see you."

"I wish I could sat the same." Mr. Feeny said. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Dad's car got towards." Eric explained.

"And we can't get it back from Sasquatch." Jason said, gesturing to the large employee behind the desk.

"Oh, I'll clear this up in no time." Mr. Feeny said as he approached the desk. "Excuse me, young man."

"It's, uh, Tony with a Y." Tony said. Shawn, Cory, Zoey and Morgan all sat down on the small couch that was beside the door.

"Fine, Tony. Might I inquire why you won't release the car?" Mr. Feeny asked.

"It's like I told the kid - you ain't got a license, you ain't getting the car." Tony explained.

"Aren't." Mr. Feeny corrected.

"What?" Tony questioned in confusion.

"You aren't getting the car." Mr. Feeny told him.

"Wrong, pal. I already got the car." Tony responded.

Mr. Feeny smiled slightly. "No, no. You misunderstand me. I was simply correcting your grammar."

"I don't need talking lessons... from a guy who's wearing an earring." Tony said, pointing at Mr. Feeny's earing that he wore for Morgan's tea party. Mr. Feeny quickly pulled the fake earrings out.

"Could we get back to the car issue, please?" Eric questioned.

"The issue is, no license, no car. Capsice?" Tony told Eric.

Mr. Feeny turned to the older brother. "Eric, why don't you just give the man your driver's license?"

Eric paused for a moment. "Because, I, uh... I don't have it."

"Well, tell me where you left it and I'll go get it." Mr. Feeny said. Zoey smirked, knowing what Eric was saying.

Eric cleared this throat. "Well, I don't, uh, technically... like, t this actual point in time -"

"He doesn't have a license." Zoey announced.

"He's got to." Cory muttered. "Not even my brother's that big an idiot."

"I... uh, beg to differ." Jason told them.


Mr. Feeny drove all of them back to Cory's place, and unfortunately they couldn't get the car back. When they arrived back at Cory's house, Shawn, Cory and Zoey raced inside to continue watching the movie.

"Missy... brush your teeth and go to bed." Mr. Feeny told Morgan, who pouted her lips. "You suck that lip back in. Upstairs. Now. You." He pointed at Jason. "Return to your home now."

"Jason, you cannot leave me holding the bag for all this." Eric told his best friend.

Jason chuckled. "See how little you know me."

And with that, Jason walked out of the house.

"And as for you, young man..." Mr. Feeny began, turning to Eric. "I want you to go to your room... and wait till your parents return."

"Just because you were once my sixth grade teacher... does not give you the right to tell me what to do." Eric said.

"Go to your room!" Mr. Feeny shouted.

"Apparently it does." Eric muttered as he turned around and walked up the stairs.

"I don't suppose your parents have any Maalox in the house, do they?" Mr. Feeny wondered. He turned to Shawn, Cory and Zoey, their eyes glued to the television. Mr. Feeny turned to the television. "What are you watching?"

Shawn, Cory and Zoey's eyes widen.

"Uh..." Cory hesitated. "It's caribou... migrating and licking their babies."

Zoey turned to the boys, urgently. "Where's the remote?"

The three of them began searching for the remote as fast at they can. But it was too late. Mr. Feeny found the remote and turned up the volume. The brunette smirked as she watched Stumpy killing another woman.

"Why did that man just blow up her head?" Mr. Feeny asked.

"Uh... it's nature." Zoey said.

"It's human nature." Shawn added.

"A rick tapestry of exploding heads." Cory told him, before screams and another explosion was heard from the television.

"That is cheap garbage." Mr. Feeny stated. He walked over to the television and turned it off.

"Wait. What are you doing?" Shawn questioned as the three of them began to panic.

"No, Mr. Feeny." Cory began, racing over to him. "Our machine's kind of tricky." But it was too late. Mr. Feeny pulled the tape out of the VCR, and the tape went everywhere. Cory's eyes widened. "No!"

Mr. Feeny looked at the tape. "This is rated R."

"Yeah, R for wrecked." Shawn commented as him and Zoey got up from the couch.

Cory grabbed the tape. "Now Shawn's gonna have to pay for it."

Shawn gave Cory a pointed look. "Shawn?"

"Hey, you rented it." Cory told him.

And next thing Zoey knew, she was sitting on the couch beside Cory and Shawn, while Mr. Feeny was at the front door, waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Matthews to return home. Zoey sighed, crossing her arms over her stomach. She couldn't believe that they had been caught.

The front door opened, and Mr and Mrs. Matthews walked inside. The two of them were surprised when he saw Mr. Feeny.

"George? You're not supposed to be here. What's wrong?" Mrs. Matthews wondered.

"The babysitter canceled." Mr. Feeny explained. "I'm doing my best to fill in."

"He killed our tape!" Cory shouted.

"What tape?" Mr. Matthews questioned.

"Good move." Zoey muttered to Cory.

Cory's eyes widened. "Did I say tape? There is no tape... what was I thinking?"

"You were thinking 'goodnight Shawn and Zoey'." Shawn said, taking Zoey's hands into his own. The two of them made their way over to the front door.

"Shawn, Zoey... you cannot leave me here with this tape." Cory said.

Zoey chuckled. "Heh, see how little you know us?"

And with that, Shawn and Zoey left the Matthews house.

PUBLISHED: January 28, 2018
WORDS: 1602

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