... and then better?

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"That is enough, I am sick of this!" Jack stood up unable to control his anger any longer. He had never needed to control his anger before, he had lived three hundred years of solitude unfamiliar with a verbal argument, even in France he had never had a full argument with someone but that was due to his nobility mostly.

"Jackson," Mark was shocked again at Jackson's behavior.

"No dad, you need to know the truth." Jack looked at Yzma accusing her with his stare. "Hans is a" Jack let out a string of profanities in both English and French that would have made Mr. Hook blush. "I was in the hallway minding my own business, and Mor'du slammed me against a locker while Hans started to threaten me. And because I wouldn't put my face between Mor'du's fist and the locker I get accused vandalism and unsolicited assault. The only thing I did was trip Drago when he came for me and shove Hans when I told him I wouldn't be his punching bag anymore. Hans isn't a model student, he is a bully and his father is a bully with money. Yzma is in his pocket and Hans can do anything he wants. He gets his pleasure out of dominating students and beating the crap out kids because they are different or defenseless. I'm sick of this, I can't even come to school without worrying about coming home with bruises. If anyone tries to do anything about it Mr. Westergard makes them go away. Well I am no longer going to stand for this. And I dare you to punish me for sticking up to Hans, and know that it only proves how corrupt you are if you do." Jack slammed his hands on the desk and stared Yzma down' and tried not to say anything else that would get him into even more trouble.

Yzma stood up and slammed her hands on the table, and met Jacks stare, "that's it, four weeks, how dare you speak to me that way. Get out of my office!" Yzma's face burned and she pointed toward the door.

Jack stormed off, he didn't even remember his father was with him until he felt his father put a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you have everything you need?" Mark asked.

"I don't even care, I am done with this place!" Jack was fuming.

"Jackson Cole Deaux!" Mark spoke to Jack sternly. That cooled Jacked temper as he looked up at Mark timidly. "Do not use that tone with me. Go grab your books and your car and I will meet you at home and if you are not there when I arrive, you are grounded! Do you understand?" Mark had his hands on his hips, which made him look even more threatening than Yzma.

Crap, I should learn to control my temper, it is going to get me into even more trouble. "Yes dad, I will see you at home." He responded timidly as he heard the office aides giggling by their computers, he hadn't even known they were there until now. Great, the news of him yelling at Yzma was sure to get around school before he even left the campus. He hid his face and slipped out of the office.

While walking down the hallway he noticed Elsa again, a jolt of pain seized his heart. She was at her locker again grabbing a book out of her locker and sticking it in her bag. It occurred to Jack that after the disturbance he had probably stopped her from getting what she needed. He took a picture of her casually with his phone trying not to be obvious, which made him feel like a stalker. However, if he was going to make it through however long he was going to be here, he was going to need a reminder of why he was here in the first place. After putting his phone away, he tried to make it down the hallway to his own locker without being noticed by Elsa, the only person there.

"Hey, Cole."

Jack pretended not to hear her, he heard the locker slam shut and footsteps chase after him.

"Cole, hey, wait up."

Jack turned around to see Elsa jogging toward him.

"Hey listen," Jack watched as she used her free hand to sweep the hair behind her ears. It was too cute for him to handle. "I just wanted say that I am really sorry about abandoning you to Hans and his goons. My boyfriend can be overly protective, and he wouldn't let me do anything. Even though I wish I could sock that little cur, Hans, in the teeth just about every time I see him."

"It's all right, I understand. Hans can be a giant douche, and I wouldn't want to get you sucked into that." Jack said not meeting her gaze.

Elsa laughed, it was still the most beautiful sound that he had ever heard. Too bad she couldn't be his.

"Alright, was there something you wanted to talk to me about before Hans interrupted?" Elsa asked shifting her bag on her shoulder.

I wanted to ask you out. "No, it really doesn't matter anymore." Jack sighed.

"Ok then, I'll see you in Mr. Darlings science class on Monday then."

"Actually you won't."

Elsa looked confused. "Why not?"

"I got suspended for starting a fight and vandalizing the school, then when I tried to explain what happened, Yzma suspended for even longer."

"That's not fair, grr I hate that women she is so cruel." Elsa growled.

"It's ok I will figure something out." That was when Jack got a great idea. "While I am gone can you take notes for Mr. Darling's class and send them to me?"

"Sure, let me see your phone."

Jack handed her his phone, he could not believe that worked.

"I just can't believe that happened to you, you never even threw a punch, there is no way you started a fight." She mumbled while typing her number into Jacks phone. "There," she handed the phone back. "Send me your email and name, and I will get those notes to you one way or another."

"Thanks Elsa, you're the best." Jack was elated, he had gotten two gorgeous girls numbers today, maybe High School wasn't so bad.

"You are welcome, I will see you later then." Elsa began walking off, "Oh ya, and it was really cool how you stood up to Hans, I just wish more people would."

Jacks face cracked a smile, she had seen him stand up to Hans. Maybe today wasn't the worst day of his life.

When Frost meets Ice (Jelsa)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon