The bushy browned haired girl unliked her attitude a bit and Draven just rubbed his hand onto her arm, calming her down.

"I'm sorry Cel," Draven spoke. "We were going somewhere, and I'm sure you can ask the Slytherin prefect to help you find them. Theo possibly is at Honeydukes, or Zonko's. Daphne hangs out often at the Three Broomsticks."

"But I..." The new Slytherin girl seemed not to back out from her reasons. "...I don't know those places. I'm only new, and Professor Snape said that if I needed help, I could run to you since you're the Head Boy."

Hermione was just stopping herself from bursting right now. She doesn't seem to understand that she and Draven were off somewhere and she just disturbed them. The Malfoy boy looked at him, torn between what to do. He remembered what Professor Dumbledore told them that they should assist the new students if they needed to.

"You want to come with me? We'll just help Celeste find Theo and Daphne then we're off to go." Draven mumbled enough for Hermione to hear.

The bushy browned-haired girl contemplated a bit. She was not comfortable around Celeste Dumont, and she was afraid that she might say something that could spark up issues. She then shook her head.

"No. It's fine. I'll wait for you here okay, love?" She quickly kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too," Draven whispered and gave her a forehead kiss. "I'll be quick as possible, promise."

"Okay..." She said and saw her boyfriend walk towards Celeste and they both went off.

She trusts her boyfriend, and they are mature enough to understand each other too. Especially that Draven already proved how much he loves her and for Hermione, it is already enough. But she can't seem to stop thinking about the new girl that obviously, likes her boyfriend. Of, course it is normal to feel jealous and pissed at her. She was just hoping that she would leave them alone and won't do something that she will regret in the end.


Draven was walking with Celeste, helping find Theo. They went inside Honeydukes, and he was not there so the next stop would be Zonko's. He was rushing, in hopes to go back to his girlfriend as soon as possible at the Shrieking Shack.

"Where the fuck are you, Nott..." He mumbled, and Celeste looked at him.

"I'm sorry." She uttered which made Draven glance at her.

"It's fine. I'm also the Head Boy, so it's my responsibility too, to help you in these kinds of situations." He told her.

"So... How long have you been together? You and Hermione?" Cel asked him.

"We're 9 months already." The Malfoy boy said. "We'll be having our first anniversary this coming December."

Celeste just nodded and scooted closer to Draven who seemed to notice what she was doing.

"I'm just feeling cold." She explained. "I'm not used to this kind of weather. Sorry."

The Slytherin boy didn't utter any word but he subtly created some space between them as they arrive at Zonko's.

"Have you seen Theo?" He asked some of the students inside the joke shop.

"Yeah, he's over there, behind that shelf." One student answered him and they both walked towards the shelf the student talked about.

"Draven! Celeste?" Theo looked at them once he saw his friend and the new student. "Where's Granger?"

"I left her for a while, helped Celeste find you. Please do help her here in Hogsmeade. She's a new one and needs a tour guide." Draven requested him. "I need to go, guys. Celeste, I hope you're fine now."

Celeste smiled. "Thanks, Draven."

The white blonde-haired boy gave him a small smile and dashed off the shop immediately.

"He does love her, doesn't he?" Celeste said, looking at where Draven sped off.

"You don't know how much he liked her, Dumont," Theo spoke to her which made the new girl raise her eyebrow.

"Care to elaborate more?" She intriguingly said.

"Well, you know... Draven's kind of whipped at Hermione ever since our first year. He was captivated by that girl's charm and intelligence, even though some of the Slytherins insult her as a know-it-all and a Mudblood because of her Muggle descent." Theo explained to her. "But that guy seemed to fall harder for her every year."

Celeste felt a bit of pain in her heart, knowing how Draven was smitten to her, and how he was deeply in love with her making her realize that she may not have a chance to the charming Malfoy. But she's a Dumont, that's what she is.

"Oh..." Cel paused for a while. "Interesting love story."

"Yeah, very interesting. Then Draven just confessed last year. Can you believe it? That prat who was being fawned over by a lot of girls just confessed his feelings to Granger after six years." Theo laughed. "It's a long time, but he insisted to love her from afar. That's where he is good at."

"Maybe it's his choice. Well, look at them now, growing stronger." There is a bit of bitterness from her tone and luckily, Theo was busy trying the items he was checking.

"Yeah, growing stronger than ever..." He said to her. "But Granger's a nice person so I have no arguments there. Even Draco backed down his derisive character to her, because he saw how much she loves his brother. He always told me that Draven needed someone who can understand him when the whole world may not be able to and he can see that Granger's perfect for him."

Celeste nodded, but oppositely, she knows that she's better. 

And she can't wait to prove it...


(A/N: Sorry for another late update, but don't worry, I would update some chapters with a bit of fluff, well some hmm... and some drama... This will be a rollercoaster ride so please do hang onto your seats as we enter the TUNNEL OF DOOM... just kidding. Alright I'm out!)

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