Chapter 38 Andy's POV

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"Hi Beth! Hi Greg! Its so good to see you!" I could hear the shake  in Selene's voice as she greeted Connor's parents

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"Hi Beth! Hi Greg! Its so good to see you!" I could hear the shake in Selene's voice as she greeted Connor's parents.

I could see the confusion on their faces and on instinct, I squeezed Selene's hand to hopes of convevying some form of solidarity.

"What are you guys doing in town?' Selene asked hesitantly.

"We could ask you the same thing?" Beth snapped, Greg placed a hand on her shoulder as if to hold her back. The anger radiated off Beth. It was something I had never seen before.

"Uh-I-I live here now." Selene answered

"You live here?" She asked incredulously

"I-I moved here not too long after the accident"

"Oh isn't that convenient for the two of you" she spit as she finally glared in my direction.

I could see Greg's grip on her shoulder tighten as he spoke up.

"Are you two together now?" He asked hesitantly. You could see the restraint in his eyes

"Yes" she said with a little more determination than was necessary, "for a couple months now."

I could see the questioning in his stare mixed with relief.

"A few months?" Beth said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. "You don't believe this shit do you?" She said turning to Greg.

"Hey now lady!" Josephine started from behind us.

"I'm not sure" Greg said softly. Greg was always a fair man. He had been there for Connor and I multiple times. It was hard to think that he would think that I would do that to Connor.

Beth just scoffed. "It's clear that she was cheating on Connor" she snapped gesturing forwards us.

"Mrs. Davis, I don't know why you would think that Selene and I would ever go behind Connor's back, but neither of us would ever do that to him." I finally spoke up. I couldn't let them belittle our entire life's friendship.

I felt Selene squeeze my hand. I needed that. The thought of them thinking that we would go behind Connor's back killed me.

"Oh please!" She scoffed, "this doesn't surprise me in the least!"

"Wai-"I started Selene put her hand on my chest in the moment it took to distract me, I watched as she stepped towards Beth.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." She said with confidence that I hadn't seen in a long time. "Connor was the great love of my life and these people behind me can attest to the deep depression I went into after he passed. They're also the same people who have held my hand this entire year, making sure I didn't do anything drastic, making sure that I ate, and helping me learn how to cope. You weren't here for the weeks that I didn't get out of bed or leave the house. You weren't here to witness me crying for hours on end. So, before you start thinking something incredibly untrue, you need to realize that I'm making the most of my life. I've been given a second chance at something that I thought was completely lost. I believe Connor gave me that chance and I will not sit back and let you belittle that chance."

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