Chapter 23 Andy's POV

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She is going to give us a chance! I wanted to start fist pumping in the middle of my living room, but felt that that would be excessive and would probably scare her off

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She is going to give us a chance! I wanted to start fist pumping in the middle of my living room, but felt that that would be excessive and would probably scare her off.

When I saw her at the door and instantly thought the worst. There was no reason for her to have feelings for me so she must be there to tell me that she only sees me as a friend, needless to say I'm walking on air.

She stayed for dinner and we ordered take out and talked about random things the entire time. The only difference was our proximity. On a normal occasion, she would sit with a considerable amount of space, but tonight, she was close and constantly finding a reason to touch me or graze my leg. I was not complaining in the least. It was amazing. I didn't care how slow we went as long as she was next to me.

When she eventually left, I pulled her in for a hug. We swayed like that for longer than we ever have. When I finally pulled away to look down at her. It took everything I had not to bend down a few inches to meet her lips. She must have felt the tension because she reached up on her tiptoes and softly kissed the edge of my lips.

"See you later Andy." She whispered

It was everything. I whispered goodbye as I let her go. She turned back towards me as she walked away with a big smile and winked before bursting out laughing as she stepped into her car. I couldn't help my our laughter as I watched her drive away.

I finally got a chance with my dream girl.

It was one of the best nights we've had for the sole reason of her admitting feelings for me. The night of her birthday and her making dinner for me were great but were ruined by confusing feelings. The fact that everything was out in the open made a world of a difference.

I felt like I was walking on air when I walked into world the next day.

"Hey boss man! Why do you look so peppy today?" Someone yelled at me.

I couldn't help but smile. Adam walked up me to me.

"Did you solve all your problems?"

"I think so. Things are still up in the air, but I know where I stand in it all. So I'm a ton better."

He clapped me on the back, "Good. I'm glad you got laid."

I choked on my own spit. "Wha-No! I didn't get laid."

"Ha oook Andy." He laughed as he walked back to what he was doing.

"Nothing like that happened!" I tried to yell at his back. He just laughed and waved.

Then flashes of a naked Selene flashed in my brain had me readjusting my pants. I think I would be the happiest man alive if that ever happened.

I felt like I had a goofy grin plastered to my face for the rest of the day.

I couldn't help but texting her mid day to see how she was.

I feel a little lighter after last night. She responded

Same. Everyone noticed and assumed I got laid. No one believed otherwise no matter how much I protested. Lol

Oh goodness, what will happen when you actually do get laid. She added a laughed emoji

I'd probably explode from happiness.

I think I might like to see that.

You're gonna make me leave work if you start up with that.

Lol, stay at work. Catalano.

Fine, fine, but I would leave for you even if you just wanted a hug, just fyi

Way to make a girl swoon. Get back to work.

Ok ok, only on one condition. You let me take you out tomorrow night.

Funny enough, I was going already planning to ask you what you were doing tomorrow night. I guess, I'll have to see what you have planned. Now get back to work! Lazy bones.

Lol fine fine, see you tomorrow.

I went back to work with an even bigger grin than I started work with. I felt like I was walking on a cloud. Work seemed to fly by. I had a million ideas for a date, but wanted to make it reality special.

It was weird to think only 48 hours ago I was beyond stressed about the future of our relationship and now I was sending flirty texts and getting them back. It was a dream come true. There was no way I was going to mess this up. No way in hell.

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