Chapter 30 Selene's POV

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It has been a little over a week since Andy and I spent most of the weekend in bed

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It has been a little over a week since Andy and I spent most of the weekend in bed. It has been amazing since. I love that he is constantly touching me. The feeling of his fingers resting on my waist or holding my hand has become my favorite. I think he is afraid I'm not real or that he is dreaming, but I'm definitely not going to stop him.

We've spent the better part of the last week in bed and it's been the best. It feels like we are in our own bubble. The only time we haven't spent time together was when we were working. I love how easy its been since we were already close to being in a routine together without all the romance. That has only made all of this a million times better.  I haven't told Josephine anything that's happened yet, I know I will eventually, but for right now I'm going to enjoy my bubble.

I put a kink in our routine with my counseling group. I knew it wouldn't mind, but I missed him all the same. I knew that Josephine would grill me one way or another about Andy. She was like a bloodhound and knew that I wasn't telling her everything.

I saw her at the front door presumably waiting for me so I took my time getting out of the car. When I finally walked up to her she all but screeched.

"Selene Davis! You've been avoiding me!" I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"With a greeting like that, I have no idea why?"

"So you admit it?" She asked with a smirk


"Well why would you avoid me? I'm the best!"

Still laughing, "fine fine you're the best. I've been busy lately."

"Oh 'busy' is that what the kids are calling it these days?" She laughed.

"Oh look at the time," looking down at my watch, "we are super late for group."

"This is not over missy" she laughed as we walked into the meeting.

As if I had a sign over my head, the group immediately noticed something different.

"Selene, you look extra happy today is something going on?" Cat asked

"Uh, I guess so yea some thing is going on, Andy told me how he felt about me and we've started dating."

"That's wonderful! Thank you for sharing with the group." I felt Josephine squeeze my hand.

"How are you feeling about that? A boyfriend is a big step for you."

"Um well we are just dating. So I wouldn't really call him my boyfriend." I narrowed my eyes at Josephine scoffing. "But things are good. It still feels like a big step without calling him my boyfriend, but he has been incredibly patient and reassuring me that he is willing to go as slow as I need."

"That's good. I'm glad he is so patient and conscious of your needs."

"Why wouldn't you call him your boyfriend?" Carl asked gruffly

"Umm, we haven't really had that talk to officially put a label on it."

"I will never understand your generation with labels." He huffed.

Josephine burst out laughing, "Come on Carl, cut her some slack."

"I think its good she is getting back out there, but this isn't some blind date. They mourned Connor together. It feels silly to not call a spade a spade."

"Hey both of you!" I felt like I needed to get this under control before they spiraled into dissecting my relationship or friendship or whatever it actually was. "Calm down, Carl, labels are dumb and I'm not going assume my importance to him without actually labeling it and Josephine, leave Carl alone, I would be willing to bet him and his wife didn't have relationship insecurities like my entire generation has."

Carl burst out laughing at this, " She walked right up to me and told me that I was going to be her boyfriend and from that moment on, I was ok with never wearing the pants in that relationship."

We all burst out laughing at that.

The rest of the meeting went by without anymore outburst from anyone else. We talked about dating again after our spouses. Josephine told us about her first date after her husband died and how much of a disaster it was. Carl talked about how there isn't anyone who can replace his wife so he wont even try.

Patrick talked about how he wasn't sure how he would feel when his dad started dating again, but there was no way anyone could replace his mom.

I couldn't help but give him my own two cents and tell him that I was sure that there was no way his dad wanted to ever replace his mom and any good woman would realize that.

Patrick just nodded at this and looked a little lost in thought about the possibility of his dad dating again.

We eventually ended the meeting and Josephine followed me out to my car. I was a little lost in my own thoughts about if I was ready to call Andy my boyfriend or not.

"So you gonna tell me any details?" Josephine asked while waving her hands in my face in an attempt to jostle me out of my feelings.

I couldn't help laugh at her, "you're relentless aren't you?"

"Give me the juicy details woman!"

"Calm down lady. I am not giving you the juicy details because that's just wrong, but I will tell you that he might have spent the entirety of last weekend at my house."

"Get it girl!" She laughed.

I couldn't help but laugh along with her. "I've got to go. I'll talk to you later this week."

The entire way home I couldn't help but lose myself in my thoughts about if Andy was my boyfriend or not. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realize that Andy was sitting on my front steps waiting for me. I jolted at the soft knock and was surprised to see him at my window. I turned the car off and got out before he pulled me into his arms.

"Are you ok? You'd been sitting there for a minute."

"I think so." I said vaguely

"Whats going on?"

"Its nothing." He steered me to the house and through the door.

"I seriously doubt that by the fact that you looked like you were overthinking the whole world in your car."

"We talked about relationship labels in counseling today and it got me thinking about us." I admitted as we sat down on the couch.

He laughed as he pulled me into his arms. , "I know where I stand, I'm just waiting for you to catch up."

I looked up at him confused. "What?"

"I have never want to date anyone else. When I say I'm all in, I mean you're my girlfriend and all that exclusivity and label nonsense. If you need time before you call me your boyfriend, that's fine, but I know exactly what you are to me."

"How do always know exactly what to say to ease my brain?" I asked still a little shocked at his admission.

"I don't know. You're my girl. I just want you to be happy all the time."

"You 'officially' being my boyfriend would make me very happy." I admitted as I looked up at him.

"Well I aim to please." He smiled at me before pulling me into his arms

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