Chapter 14 Selene's POV

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I heart instantly leaped into my chest as he told me that he was proud of me

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I heart instantly leaped into my chest as he told me that he was proud of me. It was a confusing feeling to have with Andy. I knew that part of me wanted to get better for him, but the reason for that was a bit hazy. I always loved when he was around and I was beginning to think it was more because of him than my loneliness. I knew I didn't want just anyone to keep me company, I really liked having Andy around which was why I was confused about my feelings when he told me that he was proud of me. 

Why did it make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

I tried to shake off my feels and smiled back at him while saying thanks and went back to eating the last couple of bites on my plate. I tried to ignore the tension I felt radiating off of me. My heart started to race and could feel my hands have a slight shake. Maybe I was just feeling this tension because its been over six months since anyone has actually paid attention to me in a healthy way. Yea that's it.

I'm fine. Its fine.

I desperately tried to ignore the rapid and uneven thumping in my chest 

'How deep of breathes can I take before he notices that I'm hyperventilating?' 

 I was jerked back to reality when he grabbed my plate from in front of me.

"I can do the dishes." He said gruffly with darkening eyes.

All I could do was nod as I followed him into the kitchen. I shakily poured myself another glass of wine.

"Want to watch a movie?" I heard myself ask and instantly wondered why I was trying to put myself through more awkward tension.

He looked back at me, "are you sure?"

"Yea, you're alright to be around." I said sarcastically with a grin, "I don't feel like bawling my eyes out and I will never watch another horror movie, so are you ok with an action movie?"

"I will never turn down an action movie. Go pick, I'll finish the dishes up and be right in there." He sounded like an excited kid and it did wonders to help ease the tension running through my body. He was such a goober that I couldn't help to laugh at him.

I scrolled through Netflix for what felt like forever before settling on Inglorious Bastards. I needed the lack of a love story and all the blood, guts and glory. I was about to yell out that I had picked a movie when he walked into the living room. I felt an all too familiar and very confusing feeling of domesticity with Andy that I hadn't felt since the accident and it felt weird and wrongly placed. I wasn't sure how to react to it and wasn't sure if it was just a fluke of a reaction.


I was jolted from my thoughts, 

"You ok?"

"Oh! Yea sorry I'm fine just got lost in thought for a second. I picked a movie!"

"Ok good, you were looking at me funny for a second."

Healed by the OceanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt