My eyes never left the slightly swaying bubbles that move in rhythm with my heart beat. The mute shuffle of Baekhyun's socks on the tiles seemed so loud in the still room.  It was only now that I let my eyes move on their own, catching a glimpse of Baekhyun.

The muscles flexing in his tight shirt as he effortlessly picked up the small bathroom stool and moved it behind me. "Lean forward." The low tone of his voice resonated in my ear drums, like fresh honey being lightly poured in cup of scorching tea. His voice alone made my cold body heat up.

I slide my knees up to my chest, locking them in place with my arms twined around them, it was only now that my body ached all over, the piping hot water bring out the pain. "Tilt your head back." I don't normally follow orders as willingly, however his voice hypnotised me. 

Tilting my head slightly back, the bright light blinded me, causing my swollen eyelids to flutter shut. Hot water ran it way down my scalp and followed suit down my hair and back. Searing pain stung on my shoulder and scalp every time Baekhyun poured water over me. 

I bit my lip at the burning pain, trying to not let the tears prick my eyes. Within seconds Baekhyun fingers found they way to my scalp, lightly massaging at my roots, while managing to miss the cut. He's washing my hair. 

After rinsing my hair he ran conditioner through my end, lightly brushing through my tangles and knots with his slender fingers. Once my hair was rinsed once more and moved to the side, he took a damp cloth and started to clean the cut on my shoulder.

"Hwang Chunghee," Baekhyun's hand paused before resuming once more. My eye slightly opened, becoming more adjusted to my surrounding. "The man in the alley, his name is Hwang Chunghee. He was an associate of Dohwa's." 

Baekhyun's silence was loud enough to tell me he was listening and to continue. "I met him when I was sixteen, I gave him that hideous scar that runs down his face. He was Dohwa's accountant, in return for his efforts my mother would satisfy him on Dohwa's orders. He pimped her out, basically"

Slightly shifting at the harder pressure Baekhyun was using I continued my story. "My mother was getting older, 'used' he called it. Said his friends deserved only the best and youngest. He tried to use me the same way he used her." Baekhyun moved his hand from my cut, rinsing out the rag so tight the skin on his knuckles turned white and bulging veins popped in his hand.

"Once I turned sixteen, he thought it was about time. I didn't know what was happening until I was in a room alone with Chunghee."

"It was late one evening, Dohwa said he needed my help in the guest wing of his estate. Being a naïve sixteen year old, I didn't think anything of it until I was pinned up against the door. I spat in his face to at least create some distance." Every ounce of my brain screamed at the such vivid memory that wrapped it hands around my throat.

"I spat in his face so I could get out his grasp, I tried to open the door but he pushed me into the bedside table. My hand grabbed the closest object which just so happened to be a very expensive bottle of wine, I only wanted to smash it over his head to give me more time to get away. He came out me again and that's when he ended up with a massive gash across his eye." 

The pin drop silence made the sound of Baekhyun's teeth grinding boom around me, he let out a frustrated groan and threw the still socking wet cloth in the sink.

"I knew I didn't like that man." Baekhyun's voice was almost below a whisper. "Once you finish up meet me in my room, I'll bandage you up." He was short and abrupt in his exit. 

Once he was out, I finally leaned back, letting the hot water untangle all my knots. 

The water turning cold was my cue to finally get out, before leaving the bathroom in my satin robe, I wring out the soaking cloth and throw it in the trash. Lightly padding back to my room down the hallway I noticed my dress and Baekhyun's jacket are now gone, replaced with one of his signature black shirts and a pair of my pajama shorts. Huh, the black pair with blueberries on them, I washed these this morning but never got around to folding them. So you do have a soft side Byun. 

Sleep refused to make an appearance that morning, more so than usual. Fortunately for me the alcohol that was still running through my system allowed me to sleep peaceful, when I was finally granted permission to.

The warm sunlight that peaked through my slightly open curtain caused my eyes to squint at the searing light that basked in. The warm tones of amber were being slowly muted by the soft carnation pink that swirled amongst the powder blue, telling everyone that the day was ending and night was starting.

The sudden churn and growl of my stomach informed me if I didn't eat something I wouldn't be able to soon. Making my way downstairs, the house was oddly quiet for his time in the afternoon. Baekhyun would usually be running his finger along the key of the gloss black grand piano that sat in the living room. 

Choosing to ignore the funny feeling in the air I made my way to the kitchen, starting to fix myself a glass of juice while deciding what to eat. The slightly pounded of my head made me completely oblivious to the presence behind me. 

Turning around abruptly, I almost collide with a broad chest. Baekhyun was inches away from my face, eyes darting over every blemish and line on my skin. I don't know if it was sudden fright or the intenseness of his eyes that made my heart want to jump out of my chest.

He moved his thumb to glide across my check, his finger tips slightly calloused but burning at contact. He moved his thumb to show me a small eyelash that lay gently on his finger tip. "You have an eyelash."

"Shit Baekhyun! Almost give me a heart attack." I exclaim throwing his hand away from my face and punch his chest. The action made the right corner of his mouth, the side with the freckle, tug up. 

"I see you still have a foul mouth, Bambi." He slide his hand into his pant pockets, letting out a breathy chuckle. Wait! Did he just show another emotion beside hate? "How are you feeling?" 

"My shoulder hurts but other than that I feel fine, just want to get back to work and pretend I didn't have a mental snap." I lean slightly against the counter, his eyebrows slightly frown. Before words can fall from his plump lips, laughter erupts from out in the courtyard. 

Both mine an Baekhyun's head turn to the sliding glass door that was now being open by a smiling Jongin and laughing Chanyeol. 

"Chaeyeong!" Jongin yelled across the kitchen as he ran, engulfing me in a bone crushing hug. 

"Relax, Jongin. She's so tiny you might break her." The smell of mint waffled through the room as Junmyeon appeared beside Jongin. Smiling at him as he pat my head after Jongin had released me. Chanyeol remained at the door. 

I laughed at the males before me, glad that my double fake identity didn't damage every friendship that I've had. "What are you guys doing here?" I question them, they all seem to turn to Baekhyun.

"Oh that, come outside." He continued walking with his hand in his pockets, I followed behind him while the others trailed behind me.

Once outside, the sun was just poking through, not wanting to give the moon its time to shine. Sehun stood on the vibrant green grass, Yixing standing in front of him at a fair distance. Within a few seconds Yixing moved into a front handspring formation, his knees locking on Sehun shoulders. Sehun gripped Yixing's thighs and they fell down, Yixing gripping Sehun nape as his feet hit the ground.

"Teach me that!" I yell getting everyone's attention. The excitement was coursing through my veins like a overcharge cable.

"We will," Baekhyun's voice become serious. "We will teach you everything, we will train you. You're one of us, remember?"

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