"Miss Y/n? What are you doing here?" Petra asked confused as soon as Y/n landed on the nearby tree.

She sighed and checked her swords. "Nothing. Just checking out on you guys. How are you Eren?" She asked, turning her head towards the younger brunette.

The boy looked at her and blinked. "I'm fine Saintess. But how did you get here?"

"Oh, I sneaked out."

Surprised by her words the squad looked at her wide eyed. "W-why would you do such a thing? It's dangerous put here!" Petra responded nervously. What if the saintess dies here? What are they going to do?

"Don't worry, Petra dear. I won't die. I still plan to make pumpkin pie at the headquarters later." She waved off passively.

"This isn't a joke, ma'am. You can't just go around like this. You're an important figure in the walls." Ulou responded.

"Oh?" Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Don't you know my previous occupation before I became a saintess?" She asked back.

The younger was a bit reluctant.

"I am a former vice commander of the scouts. I can confidently say that I was stronger than Mike back in my days." She bragged. "Now, any complaints?" She asked.

The small group did not refute and could only pray that she is right or they'll be the ones dead if the saintess gets in trouble.

"Youngsters today, really." She sighed.

Everyone now wanted to say something. She talks old but she looks like a teen! Who would want to hear that from someone who looks younger than you?! She must have the same IQ as them considering that she herself fell asleep for seven years. It could be said that their mentality isn't far.

But no one spoke. Held back the nonsense they want to say out loud and  continued their plan to go back after seeing the flare to retreat earlier.

Y/n looked at the green flare and hummed.

"It's time to go back everyone." Y/n waved a hand and everyone replied a knowing nod.

The woman lead them back towards the captain's direction all while Annie was on the wait for ambush. Annie had to appear to clear Reiner and Bertoldt's suspicions first. Y/n will be talking to them at a later date so she needed to keep them calm for now. Although she felt bad that Annie had to hold the candle of blame for a while, but she'll make sure she wouldn't be discovered. And even if she did, Y/n will help any way she could.

Annie's basically like her daughter now! No child of hers will be implicated by this cruel world.

Anyways. Y/n cautiously gripped her swords looking at the approaching female in front of them. Her eyes shined. "Alright, when we encounter an enemy, I want all of you to run back as quickly as you can. Protect Eren at all cost." She demanded.

The Levi squad turned to her, then to the person coming closer in front of them.

"But ma'am!" Gunther wanted to object. As well as the others.

"I understand you're all elites. But don't forget, you're still young and needs more experience. I'll be following you soon." Y/n motioned her hand in reassurance. "Also, don't worry too much. I'm a saintess, after all."

"We will help!" Petra insisted.

Y/n sighed. "Don't need it dear. Instead, I have a plan. You'll all just get in the way." Y/n went first, speed up and quickly exchanged blades with Annie.

The people first thought that it was Levi. But unlike the original story, no one blurted their thoughts as they were busy trying to talk to the saintess who wanted to go solo.

Before they could even react to catch up, the two who were pretending to be fighting changed direction and had already gotten far. With Y/n and Annie's expertise to odm gear, they both got farther from the group's eyesight and eventually stopped.

Y/n only hit her blades together to make the impression that they were still fighting.

After a while, her gear was finally out of gas and could only sit on the tree branch while Annie was standing on the opposite tree. "You can go now, you know." Y/n told her.

"What about you?" Annie asked back.

Y/n had little to no gas. Is she going to sit here and be left out? After all it was time to retreat. If no one came to look for her here, she'll be left out.

"Don't worry. Someone's coming for me." However, Y/n had this confidence that someone is coming to get her made Annie even more not convinced. When Y/n saw this doubt on her child's face, she waved a hand. "You can hide there and wait." She pointed to an innocent big tree where the leaves could hide her body. Since the survey corps hood was green itself, she can camouflage herself. 

Annie simply obeyed and hid closeby.

They waited for a few minutes until sounds of odm gear quickly approaching was heard. Y/n simply sat by the branch and anticipated the person coming while Annie spectated.

Levi stopped right on the same branch she was sitting, he turned and gave her a gloomy glare. "Again and again you damned brat. Do you really want to fucking die?" he asked angrily.

"What are you talking about? I just did what I could." Y/n replied passively.

"When we go back, don't you ever dare try to sneak out of the walls. Or I'll be the one to break that leg."

"Dear, that's quite vicious. Did you forget that it's a crime to hurt a noble, let alone an important person of the church." Y/n shrugged. "Anyway, how's Luke doing?"

"Luke?" who the heck is that?

"The guy who came out of the titan's mouth." She explained.

"Why would you care about that insignificant brat?"

Y/n looked at him odd eyed.

Dude... you're about the same age... don't call him brat, it's weird. Y/n wanted to say but remained quiet.

When he saw her quiet, he could only sigh. "He's still with the commander. He's not dead yet."

"Okay, good. Let's go back?" She offered. "By the way, you're going to have to carry me. I'm out of gas."

"You..." Levi glared again. She came here with limited gas. What if the person she was fighting with earlier was able to take advantage of this and throw her on the ground? Could this damn lover be even more reckless? "Where's that person you were fighting with?" he asked.

"The kids reported it to you?" Y/n muttered.

"Else, what do you think I came here for?" the man asked back.

"Okay, okay. You're right. I'm wrong. Let's go back." She sighed. The girl got up and pats the dust off her pants before opening her arms as if welcoming a hug from Levi. The older understood her gesture and turned his back to her and knelt down. Y/n climbed behind him and the two left.

Seeing as Y/n was safe, Annie frowned from the odd feeling of watching two old couples having short arguments before going back to being a loving pair. She raised an eyebrow and left with a very complicated look.

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