Secrets yet to be told

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I got a text from Macy saying she needed to show me something important. But that's all she told me? What could be so important that she makes me wait till I know??

I was walking into school and stopped by vinnies lockers waiting for him to show up. "What are you doing here." I hear from in front of me. Sarah the skank. "The real question is what are YOU doing here?" I asked tilting my head slightly. "I'm waiting for vin vin to come walk me to my class." She smirked with her fake ass lips. Bitch. "Mhm, yeah hate to break it to you buuut.... He's walking me. I am his girlfriend after all." I smiled pathetically at the clingy ass blond bitch that smells like peach perfume and sex. "Oh really, cause that's not what he was saying last night and the nights before that." She laughed at me. What is she talking about? " what do you mean?" I asked looking pissed "oh nothing, just that I get ur obsessed but cmon, your not his girlfriends. We fuck every night!" She laughed as if it was a joke. That's not real, vinnie wouldn't sleep with her. The only joke is in front of me, who also opens her legs to anyone who walks and have a penis. I should poke holes into the condom she uses.

" ha ha ha, so funny." I said sarcastically. Our conversation was cut short when vinnie walks in and slowly slowing down when he saw us both by his locker. Weird. "Hey babe, you ready to go?" I asked grabbing my book bag. "Umm, yeah." He said nervously. "Okay?" I held my hand out for him to take and he just stood there.

"You told me yesterday you'd walk me to class tho vin vin." Sarah pouts. "U-u-hm yeah. S-sorry I forgot, next time?" He said with a guilty smiles. Next time? There will be no next time. "Yea well 'vin vin' and I needs to go so stop being problematic for once and leave me and my BOYFRIEND alone." I finally had enough of her shit and grab vinnies hand walking away. "What the hell was that?" He asked looking at me. "What the hell was that, what the hell if with YOU!" I looked at him in disbelief. "You've been acting weird all fucking week, ignoring me, and hanging out with some bitch you know I hate and has been obsessed with you since forever!" I shouted "Omg, here we go with the jealousy issues again." He rolled his eyes "no, I'm not jealous of a fake as Barbie bitch. I'm mad you decided it was okay to ignore me and not let me know your hanging out with her all the fucking time. Hell it looks like your more dating her then me!" I yell at him my eyes glossy but I refuse to let tears fall. "Babe, y-your overthinking this." he stuttered
"What the fuck are you hiding from me Vincent? I'm not dumb!" I asked raising my voice. "Babe I-" he stopped mid sentence, sighed and just walked away. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! "Oh yeah walk away, the only thing your good at in relationship!" I yell making him stop dead in his track and turn around. " what I'm hiding is that I don't like you, your so clingy and annoying! God no wonder your dad left!" He shouted.

Those 6 words hit harder than anything. I've had people tell me that before but coming from the only person other then my dad that I loved hurt to a whole new level.

Tears, that's all I had in my eyes and couldn't hold anymore. I left one fall, but had to let the rest out.

You could tell her looked guilty, he realized what he said and feels horrible about saying it. To late for sorry now though.

"S-so you n-never ev-en l-liked me-e?" I question trying to contain my sobs. "No Liz I didn-" Vinnie walked closer trying to explain. "Stay the FUCK away from me! Don't talk to me, d-don't call, don't even look at me. I'm to clingy so there I won't bother you. You never l-liked me, so I'll let you have Sarah since you seem to actually love her." I sobbed walking out of the building.

Laughter, whispering, gaps. that was only thing I heard as I ran out. Or vinnie yelling my name, hearing his foot steps when he tried to run after me.

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