School drama

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Today was just weird, I got weird looks form girls and boys just sit there and smirk at me, tf? I'm beyond lost.

"Larry, why is everyone staring at me?" I asked half freaking out "girl I was about to ask you the same thing! What did you do?!" Larry squealed "I didn't do anything!" I said with wide eyes, except I'm dating the vinnie hacker witch ever girl wants:)

"I mean you have been with vinnie, maybe their catching on?" Larry asked "no, for all they know we're just friends." I stated rolling my eyes. "Well then may-" Larry got cut off by Macy storming towards us. "Tf, why didn't you tell us this Liz?!" Macy yelled causing some to look out way "the fuck you talking about, and why are you SCREAMING!"I asked putting my hand over her fat ass mouth. "Bitch, that your getting vinnies dick? I know y'all were together but you never told us you would go public. Like are you dumb? People are going to hate you!" She whispered "first, everyone already hates me. And second, I never EVER told ANYONE about us? So how do they know?" I whispered with my eyes wider then what they were before. "You don't think vinnie would say anything, right?" Larry asked with a concerned face. "No, no he wouldn't!" I said looking at them back and forth "yeah, Liz is right. It would make her reputation and his fall. He wouldn't be that stupid." So the real question is who the fuck know, and why are they telling everyone.

It was almost the end of school, and I've been avoiding vinnie. What if he did tell everyone? Why would he. I'm planing on talking to him after school, I just don't know how to start this conversation off. "Hey, just wanted to know if you told the school about us fucking, or our relationship." Like, that's awkward!

"Hey, why haven't you talked to me all day?" Anthony came up to me sitting down in our 7th period call. "Sorry, just had a lot to do today." I lied. "Nah, it's cool I get it. How was your day though?" He asked smiling slightly. "Oh y'know rumors running around the school about me and vinnie and shit. I failed my math test, oh and I have a 5 page essay dude tomorrow morning about mental health. Fun day." I faked smiled "damn, umm.. sounds...f-fun?" I said slowly smiling "and what rumor is going around about you and vinnie?" He asked squinting his eyes. "That we fucked and are dating, I mean yes we are. But our plain was ti tell no one, so I think he told people." I said looking at my lap trying to think of why he would do this. "Nah, that's not vinnies work. He wouldn't do that, that would hurt you and him." Anthony said shaking his head "that's what everyone's saying!" I groaned loudly slouching in my chair "talk to him!" Anthony said sitting up pulling me out of my chair.

Well, here I am. Beside his car waiting for him to get out off school, let hope this ends well.

Deep breaths, what if he flips on my for thinking he would do this? Or what is he breaks up with me? What if I ruin his trust in me? Or maybe I was right and he actually told everyone!! Ugh, can life not crumble from underneath me for one second?!

As I was mid though I see him walking out, a smile appeared on my face but quickly faded away, he wasn't alone.

He was with her...

The bully and the bet~ Vinne hacker story Where stories live. Discover now