Can this get any worst?

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*beep* *beep* *be-*
That's the first thing i have to hear again this morning. I got out of bed and changed into some a white and black plaid skirt that stopped at my mid thigh, and a black baggy crop top. After siting there staring at my 50,000 pairs of shoes I decided to wear white Nike air forces. I straightened my hair and put some mascara and concealer. I walked downstairs to be greeted by my older brother Alonzo "why do you have to wear the tiniest things you can find to school?" Alonzo asked annoyed. "First, I rarely ever dress like this, second it's not even that short so calm your tits, and third you don't get to tell me what I can and can't wear to school!" I calmly say not wanting to get in a fight with him this early in the morning. "Yeah, okay whatever but don't be coming to me when the boys at your school start being weird with you." He states walking away. "HEY! Your talking Abbie to school today, I can't." You yell to him. He relays with a thumbs up and walks to his room. You decided you wanted to get some Starbucks so you got your keys and made sure you had your backpack ready and head to Starbucks.

You got to Starbucks and ordered a iced caramel macchiato and a cake pop because why not? After you got your goodies you started driving to the place you hated the most, school. Once you arrived you called Macy to see if she was at school.


Hey are you at school yet?
No, I might skip today but Larry said he's going so he's prob in the library
Okay, welp wish me luck. We should go shopping after school though!
Omg, yesss im all for it. Pick me up after school pleaseee. I'll ask Samantha and you can ask Larry if he's busy
Ok, well I have to go but I'll see you later bye!

I walked into the library seeing if Larry was in there. And of course he was, he's always in there doing tik toks and bothering the Librarian. "Larry, if you don't stop torturing poor mrs.shank (the librarian) she might just retire!" I say jokingly. " Hey girrrl. What are you doing here so early. I though you would be flirting with your favorite person every." Larry stated with a smirk. "Wipe that disgusting smirk off your face, I do hate him and ew! Flirting? What drugs did you take this morning!"  Larry has always though I like mr. full of him self. And was determined that we would date sooner or later. Which is completely wrong! I mean come on it's Vincent and me, we HATE each other. "Whatever girl, so what do you think your doing today?" He said changing the topic "oh right, would you like to go shopping with me and Macy today after school?" I asked which is stupid because Larry like never says no to going to shopping "are you dumb, girl ofc I'm going. Is that even a question?!" He says sarcastically. We laugh and walk to the cafeteria "girl, my science homework was the worst yesterday! Like why do I have to learn about genetics and dna, that shit is so stupid!" Larry said rolling his eyes. Then it hit me "VINCENTS HOMEWORK!" I yelled grabbing Larry's hand and running to my locker. "Bitch why the fuck are we running, you know I only run when it's Black Friday at the mall!" He shouts confused . I run up to my locker and see Vincent eating some random girls face off on MY locker, like wtf! "Vincent" you said, ignored, "Vincent" you say a little louder, ignored, "maybe we should come back another time girl, he seems busy ahah" Larry said trying to lighten the mood "for the the loved of Christ, VINCENT!" I shout. He finally looks at me " what the fuck do you want bitch" said said angrily looking at me "well, since you forced me to do your stupid math worst because your 'couldn't' here, and don't be doing that weird shit on MY locker dumbfuck!" You said a little to loud and everyone around you turned their tension towards where the shouting was coming from. Vincent looked even more pissed then he already was. Next thing you know he grabs your arm roughly and walking to the janitors closet you look back at Larry and he looks scared,excited, and confused. You tried to stop but he was stronger then you. He yanked you into the closet and shut the door. "How fucking stupid are you to say that shit in front of EVERYONE!" "Well you told me to come before first period so I did and when I show up your ignoring me! And not even a thanks for doing my work wow." You say boldly "you think I give two fucks for a thank you? Sorry princess but I have nothing to thank you for, because of you everyone know I didn't do my homework." "That's not my fault, do you own homework next time and that would of happend." You shrugged going for the bored but being slammed back into the wall. "Ouch you bitch, I have to get to my locker so just let me be, I gave you your stupid homework now leave me alone!" You shouted looking him directly in him eyes he moved his face closer to mine, his lips were about to touch mine and his hands moved from the wall to my hips. For some reason I had this weird feeling in my stomach. His lips moved from near my lips to me ear and he whispered "yelled at me again princess, you won't like the end result." He moved his curly head away from me and opened the door to walk out. Yet again, I was left their flustered and confused. I walked out to find Larry already walking to me. "Girl what the fuck!" He said excitedly "nothing happened other then me wanting to rip his head off." I said rolling me eyes. Just then the bell rings for first period.

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