Breakdowns and Makeups?

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Thoughts will be in italics

today is the day I finally return to school, not that I have a choice anyways. I dreaded today. I'm just not ready to face the drama again, to face having work 24/7, and most importantly seeing vinnie. I miss his presence but it best if we just don't hang out. I got the wrong idea and it lead to me getting hurt. I mean it's not really his fault, it's mine.

I got dressed into some tight ripped jeans and a plain white t-shirt because I don't feel like getting dressed up on a Tuesday. (Or any day for that matter) call me basic but I just put on some white sneakers and let my hair down. I wasn't really hungry so I'm just going to get coffee then make my way to hell:)

Once I got my energy booster I went to school. I got there and the first people I see are my people. Larry, Samantha, Anthony, Jordan, and Macy. I walked over to them and they all see me. Jordan's smiles at me, Larry runs and jumps on me, Macy following after, Samantha and Anthony waited till I got the children off of me to hug me.

"Girl, we're have u been! You've been so M.I.A?!" Larry spoke "oh, you know just dealing with some stuff. Typical life."I rolled my eyes "so can we meet up at bobs after school?" Jordan asked. Me and Samantha exchanged looks know who 'we' are. "Umm, sorry I can't. I have to study!" I lie "come onnn, please Liz! You've been gone for so longgg." Macy whines "yeah, bring it with we can help you some!" Jordan buts in. Everyone is looking at me waiting for an answer. "I don't know guys. I really don't wanna fail." I spoke STILL trying to convince them "and you won't! Please, just for a little then you can study all you want alone!" Jordan explains. I'm under pressure at this point. I look at Anthony and Samantha for help but they just look away. Wow thanks for the help guys..... bitches
"You know what, sure why not." I smile "good! Now we all can hang for once. And we can skate after with vinnie and the rest.


As soon as his name left Jordan's mouth I felt my stomach not-up. "Uh-um yes, yeah sure! Th-that's great!" I sarcastically smile "awesome" I whispered to myself. In that moment it just turned very awkward.

"Speak of the devil!" Larry spoke pointing behind me. God, please be in my favor! Oh please. If he's behind me I will cry. I will run away. I'm terrified! Bruh this can't be happening!! My stomach starts to hurt, my head starts to pound. My heart rate seems to be increasing. This can not be happening. I turn around, and just my luck! My FAVORITE person is right behind me with a big smile on their stupid face. Vincent hacker. "Hey guys! What are you up to?" Vinnie asked looking around, he looked at me and his eyes widened. "Omg! Liz your finally back, I've been messaging you for days!" He says coming in for a hug, which I dodge. "Great talking to your guys but I got to go! Bye." I said quickly and speed walk away. God kill me already!


Wtf was that? She just walked away like I didn't excist, like she didn't even care about me?! "What was that about?" Jordan asked looking very confused "idk maybe Vincent would know." Samantha smirked saying Vincent very sassily "yeah, Vincent. What happened?" Anthony jumps in with venom in his voice. "Umm, idk? Maybe she just wants some space." I shrug trying to act dumb. "Mhm, is that it? You sure, I think you know what's going on." Samantha spoke staring at me. If looks could kill, i would be dead rn. "I'll go talk to her ig. Maybe she's just having a bad day." I spoke walking away.

I'm currently looking for Liz, which isn't easy. It's like playing hide an seem. Which isn't fun, the only place I haven't checked is outside by we're some people eat at. I got out there and see Liz.I walk up to her and see her look at me. She quickly began to get her stuff and basically run away. Two can play that game sweetheart

As I was walking behind her I got close enough to grab her wrist. So I did, I pulled her closer to me. "Why are you running from me?" I asked tryin got sound confused "Vincent just leave me alone!" She says with pure anger. "What's wrong? If it's the girl at lunch acouple of days ago it was nothing! Okay, I swear." I say trying to look in her eyes, which she keeps dodging my looks. "Nows not the time, let me go!" She says again with her voice rising. I grip her wrist a little tighter so she won't get away. Not enough to hurt her though. I pull her into my chest trying to hug her but she shoves me back. "Vincent I swear to god! Leave me the fuck alone!" She scream with her voice cracking. I see her eye glossy and makes me feel really bad.


Yup, here I am trying to run away from Vincent like we're playing tag. He finally got me and kept asking me questions. And at this point I couldn't even look in his eyes, I was just feeling everything right now, feeling alone, feeling worthless, feeling tired, feeling stressed, just all of it got to me. And now he wants to try and make excuses about the situation. I couldn't hold it anymore. I tried, and tried. I just couldn't.

So I cried. I cried really hard. Vinnie looked at me with concern covering his face and hugged me. I tried to pull back.and tried to say no. But he wouldn't let go, he just held me. Petting me hair and saying sweet things to me. After a while I gave up. I was to exhausted physically and emotionally to keep fighting. I just needed a shoulder to cry on right now. And that's what Vincent did. He let me make his shirt look like he just got water dumped on him. He let me curl up and hug him. He listened to me. He clammed me down.

Once I was done with the crying I got up and tried walking away but he took my hand and walked me outside to his car. He sat me in the passenger seat and wiped the mascara off my face. "Tell me what's going on. I know I'm one of the reasons you've been gone.. but please let me explain! It wasn't anything to me. I was Horny and trying to get you off my mind. Not that it's an excuse but it's the truth! I would never intentionally hurt you Liz." He spoke putting his forehead against mine. "Please." He whispered

Should I take him back?

Is it to soon?

Can I trust him?

Will I be making a mistake?

He won't hurt me again........ right?

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