Forgive and forget

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it's been a couple of days since I saw my crush and a blond eating each others faces off. It's now Saturday and I've ignored anything that has to do with Vincent hacker.

I though he was changing, not being a player. But I was proven was wrong. I was brought back into reality. He's going back to his old ways and now I'm left hurt because I was so blind I couldn't see the signs of him just seeing me as a friend. I got so attached to his that I actually saw him in my future. But, like they say I guess all good things come to an end sooner or later. But in this happened sooner then I expected.

I don't want to say I've been slouching all day and feeling drowsy, but that's exactly what I did. I felt so downhearted that I actually just gave up everything for this boy who didn't even have the decency to give me at least 1% of that back. Not to mention, it didn't feel right after every weekend with the group to now missing out on that weekend and isolating yourself. Because Vincent hacker is a selfish player who thinks it's funny to be a womanizer. I swear he's apart of misogyny or something, he doesn't even care about anyone other then himself. Kinda like my ex. What kind of karma is this, I get I don't have a very good past but damn! why is it happening to me! What did I do wrong that lead to this happening!

As I was staring at the wall in deep though my phone started to ring. With a caller ID I least expected to see. Ofc, the day I don't want anyone to talk to me, to see me, or to even think of me.he calls. God this world is stupid, I though I blocked him! I hit the red decline button and went to my bathroom to shower. Call me weird but showers are so sympathetic, the feeling of the warm water clams me, the shower is the one place I don't have to hide. I can relax and take a break from the world. From reality. I want someone to be with me when I'm stressed about school or right now boys. Or when I'm sad ,a shoulder to cry on! The girls Macy,Larry, and Samantha do, don't get me wrong! But I feel stupid, I drag them into my problems when they have a life of their own. They need to worry about their own problems, so I can't be selfish and call them when  I'm down. It's like I rely on them, and people won't always be their for you, for example. My mother.

The person who birthed me, when I was little she was alway around. Always their for me when I was sad, or couldn't sleep. She helped me every step of the way when I was little. But now... now it's like she doesn't even care for my existence! I mean for fuck sakes I can't even remember the last time she's told me in person she loves me! Or the last time we've all sat at a table to together. Once my dad left she changed, only cared for Abby and Alonzo. Her two perfect angles. She always made me ask myself. Was I the outcast? Am I the reason her and dad weren't together, is that why she doesn't like me? Was I a mistake,no I have straight A's. I'm a good person!

High school is stressful, to stressful if you asked me. I couldn't wait to get out of this fucked up town, with these fucked up people, and their unfair fucked up expectations. Once I got to collage if I even make it, I'm leaving here for good.


That though alway came to my head. Theirs always the 'what if's'  y 'know? Like what if I just get up one day and leave, leave with no trace. Leave and start over! Find my soulmate, have a best friend, buy the house of my dreams!

That thought was alway so nice to think about. But it was only a thought, a vivid thought, thoughts go away Like dreams. You think about it. But it's most likely just a thought you could never do it. Once you wake up from that thought though, it goes away. It might come back to you later on but dreams are something you wish happened. Or you want to see happening, so for now. Leaving is only a thoughtful dream.


As I lay in bed sleepless, for the sixth time this week, just thinking. Thinking about everything. I think to much about things though. Is it bad? No I don't think so.. right? No need to be worried about thinking. Im perfectly fine! I say to myself, well more like trying to convince myself. Call me childish, but I just want my mom. I want to emit my feelings to her, watch movies with her. But my expectations for her are to high apparently. (I hope You got that hint of sarcasm)

"Hey, can you make dinner?" Alonzo barged into my room. "One, no! Two, why do you think it's okay to barge into MY room, I don't come unexpectedly to yours! What if I was naked?!" I shouted "I'm you big brother, for one I'm aloud to 'barge' into your room. Secondly, it's not like I haven't seen you naked when we were little?" Alonzo squinting his eyes at me confusedly. "Okay, that's when we were little and I didn't have lady part!" I sassily stated "what lady parts? You flat chested and have not butt?" Alonzo looked my up and down. "For you record I DO have boobs and a butt. The only reason you have bigger boobs then me is because your fat!So zip your lips and leave my room before I hurt you!" I threatened "whatever, your cooking sucks anyways. Btw i think you should pull that stick out of your ass because your getting in my nerves, is it that time of the month?" He asked pettily "get the fuck out!" I said pointing to the door.

For my first human attraction I've had all day, that was enough for me to want to escape the world. So that's what I was planing on doing tonight, escaping this hell people call earth.

The bully and the bet~ Vinne hacker story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora