"Wait, i have a bet for you."

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Vinnies pov

(Thoughts will be slanted)

"Wait, I have a bet for you." Jordan spoke "god, what is it." I asked rubbing my eyes. "If you don't care about Liz as much as you say you don't, then I bet you 200 dollars right now, if you lead her on." He spoke, making my heart drop. The truth was Jordan and Kio were sure that he liked Liz, I mean he acts like a completely different guy with her, and he can't say that's because he hates her. He hate Paisley hopple yet he isn't calling her princess and staring at her like a creep! Back to vinnies pov. I wanted to say no, but it would be weird if I said no, and they would think I do care for her. Which I do but they can't know that! "Umm, idk. Isn't that childish to you? Like what grade are we, 5 graders?" I asked trying to back down without blatantly saying it. "Nah man, but a bets a bet soo you going to prove that you don't care?" Jordan asked. I looked at kio and he's looking at me while Anthony is looking at Jordan with wide eyes. "Can you give me some time to think about it at least?" I ask "sure." "Hey guys I'm back" Liz spoke from behind us "that line was so hectic." Larry followed behind her. "I think I'm ready to go." Liz said looking at Larry "yeah, we got things to do." Larry added on "oh okay, well it was nice being acquaintance for a little, back to hating one another?" Jordan joke. Liz chucked showing a tight smile on her face. God damn she has a cute smile."Yeah, I hate all of you. Dumb bitches." Larry joked or at least I think he's joking.

Liz pov
  After a very hectic week, I can just sit and sulk in my room all day long for two days straight. God I can't wait to graduate and have a year off, and be lazy all day long. Ugh, what i'd do to have that. As soon as I got into my bed, I felt my eyes getting heavy. And it was hard for me to keep them open, after awhile of trying to fight the sleep off I gave in and dosed off into a peaceful slumber.

Sorry, I know this chapter was short.
Word count

The bully and the bet~ Vinne hacker story Where stories live. Discover now