All i have is you

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It's Monday, the day I will get her back. Or at least try. I won't lie and say I feel good about what I did. Because i dont, she was so nice, sweet, beautiful inside and out, she knew how to make my day better, hell she knew me better then I know myself sometimes! Yet I do stupid shit and ruin the bet. Fuck the bet, I ruined a perfectly good friendship which could of formed into more. God,I really am stupid. I was just horny and a dick. I don't want the fuck boy reputation back. She made me not become one, she changed me.

Here I am, waiting for Liz to show up to school. I have her favorite chocolate, candy, my shirt (which smells like me)a bear, and a iced caramel coffee. I knew she loved coffee and couldn't say no to it. I was looking forward to seeing her huge smile, hugging me. God to feel her touch again, she's like a drug. I'm addicted and I don't know how to show it. Maybe it's just in the moment,fake, I mean it's all going to be over at the end anyways. But, I don't want it to be.
It's been 10 minutes, and no sign of her. I was kinda upset... upset at her, myself, the boys, the girl I slept with. The one good thing I had is gone, because i was needy... but I can't give up. Not now at least.

After school, and being ignored by half of my friends I decided to text Liz for the 100th time today. I'm going to her house one way or the other, but I wanna see if she will talk to me at all.


Me: hey, you there
Me:I'm sorry
Me:Liz pls
Me: I was being stupid it meant nothing!
Me: quit being a bitch and answer the phone
Me: really?!
Me: love, please! I'm so so so sorry! Seriously, you mean to much to lose please
Me: why aren't you at school
Me: I got you something
Me: I'm coming over
Me: we can cuddle like always, I'll even watch American horror stories with you!
Me: see ya soon love❤️


I've decided to stay home today, I was just so tired and wanted to sleep. My phone has been going crazy, but to lazy to check I just put it in 'do not disturb'

Would it be bad if I say I miss him
I miss the talks we had, the everyday conflict over little things, the arguing in who's paying, who's driving, going skating weather it's with the group or not, seeing his face, smelling his smell, cuddling while wishing I could call him mine. I fell... fell really bad. Maybe this was the reason he wanted to become friends out of no were? He wanted to see me hurt? Idk, I'm overthink this.

I closed my eyes trying to fight my brain off from thinking. Soon I felt my eyes heavy and me slowly drifting into a calming sleep. That's when I heard the door open, have you even been awake by to lazy to open your eye. you feel like you just can't open them? That's what's happening right now. I can hear, but don't open my eyes.

"Oh, your asleep." I heard a voice whisper "Ik you won't be able to hear me, but I want you Liz, only u!" Cried the random person. Who the hell is this person? I feel someone coming closer, then feel breathing on my face. A couple seconds later i feel his soft,plum lips attach to mine. Then my cheek, Then my nose. I felt so many butterflies erupt, feeling his lips on my skin felt like an euphoria. I felt like blushing, but stopped myself not wanting to let him know I was awake.

I still felt him breathing on my face before he continued "god, I'm so stupid. I was just horny, trying to distract myself from you before it ended up badly. I don't want to hurt you." He sighed putting his hand on my cheek
Hurt me? What does he mean by that?

"I know you will hate me once you wake up. But just know, I'm always here. And I adore you Liz. Your my girl, my euphoria." Vinnie voiced before getting up walking to the door. He stopped to look at the girl and couldn't help but want to feel her into his arms. He needed it, he craved her felling.

He went up to her and rapped his arms around her tightly. Like it was their last hug ever. He nuzzled his head into her neck wanting her to move, to wake up, to touch him. But he knew if she was awake she's want him gone.he sighed finally letting her go and waking out.

Hell just have to wait for his girl

And he will make sure she's his

Her with anyone else doesn't sound good

But he'll hurt her again

This is all just a bet


Hello, how does is book so far? If you have any suggestions pls feel free to comment or even message me on here. Have an amazing day or night🤍

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