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Nothing you'd expect yet all that happened.

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Philza watched as he and his sons walked to their doom. A big. Highly secured prison was in view. Philza would be lying if he said the prison scared him none. He has never been incarcerated before. Which was a good thing.

He looked to his son, Technoblade who seemed to be trying to scheme some grand escape. It brought hope to his heart that he would find one immediately.

"Stop!" Dream shouted to his men. He looked at the asshole with hatred, following his porcelain mask to a figure that stood looking up at the prison. Next to the figure was a slouched guard Philza vaguely remembered as Sam. He looked to be sleeping.

But that's not what caught his attention.

It was the standing figure.

He seemed to familiar.

"Ghostbur? What are you doing here?"


Philza's eyes shot open as tears filled his corners. He looked at Technoblade with sorrowful eyes. He wasn't aware that William had died by the hands of Dream.

"Ghostbur!" Tommy screamed. His eyes were as black as ever and his movements became more animalistic and wild. "Ghostbur! GHOSTBUR!" Tommy continue to shout to the figure.

Dream scoffed. "Even after death you still run to your dead brother Tommy. How Pathetic."

"You monster!" Technoblade shouted with anger.

Dream shook his head.

"Hello. Everyone." The figure spoke softly drawing everyone's attention.

Dream was warily at the more....solid look the boy appeared. He had on his signature yellow sweat shirt, blue jeans, red beanie and black shoes. The boy neglected to turn around. Was he afraid at what he might see? His beloved family in shackles?

"What are you doing here?" Dream spoke agitated.

"Dream you'd have half a mind to rush me. I'm quite occupied at the moment. Going through all these memories in order to catch up is a time consuming thing! Do you not agree?" Dream slightly stiffened. Definitely not the answer he was expecting. But he was out of patience or care. "Take your nonsense elsewhere, ghost. I have prisoners to lock up." Dream's voice dropped.

"It'll only take a moment more. Don't be discourteous." The ghost simply replied.

Dream took out a sword and slowly approached the ghost. He's had it enough games. He had won and was ready to accept his reward.

"I don't suppose you've told my family the truth about my death?"

Dream stopped.

"How did poor lil' Theseus take it when you told him you murdered his brother for self greed?"

Dream clenched his fist.

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