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"Today is a day for letting off steam. Trust me Ranboo, I can feel it!"

Tommy said adrenaline pumping through his blood as the two teens played in the grass outside of L'manburg. 

"I don't know Tommy, the last time we "let off steam" we burned down a village in the tundra!" Ranboo reminded him.

"Ranboo. Boo. Allium brother. My little charming innocent Boo! That was simply not our fault! We got carried away and that stupid iron bastard came along . Technically HE started the village fire. Not us. Besides we got away with it." Tommy swung his hand over Ranboo's shoulder.

"Tommy the time after that we set a rain forest on fire. A RAIN FOREST. There's clearly a pattern here."

"Yeah yeah. "Arson." It's just so fun and it brings warmth to anything around it! We are providing warmth to the earth like that one guy......uh....what was his name?"

"Helios, Tommy. It was in the book we read together at my house."

"Oh yeah! That bitch boy!"

Ranboo rolled his eyes, sighing deep. He loved Tommy way to much.

"Look. Dream and Tubbo have been pissing me off. I need this. Your not forced to do this with me you know. You know I'd never force you to do anything against you will Boo." Tommy said confidently as he ventured into his inventory looking for his flint and steel.

"I know......so what are we gonna do this time?"

Tommy smiled warmly. Ranboo and him we're best friends, though Tommy would never say that out of his mouth, Ranboo knew when he had to put his morals aside for a friend in need. This, in his mind, was one of those times.

Tommy looked around the open field before his eyes landed on a house like hill. No one would live in so secluded from L'manburg unless they were apart of Dream SMP, The neighboring land to L'manburg soil. Dream's territory. Sapnap lived in another kingdom though. And Dream, according to everyone, was homeless or had a far away house. So it had to be George's.

Dream's a.k.a. "Friend."

The two Brits have went back and forth for a long time within the wars with Dream. George was the oh so pretty dark chocolate haired brunette with clout goggles, a baby blue tank top, mushroom top, and matching cape. He always had some sort of "pretty privilege." Other's thought it was his beauty, Tommy thought- and still very much believes it's because George was Dream's king. The dirty blonde always bent the rules and bent over for the mushroom boy. It was the only time Tommy or anyone had seen Dream be somewhat mushy even in the slightest manner.

"Ranboo! Look over there!" Tommy pointed in the direction of the small house. "Tommy, that's George's house!" Ranboo shouted. Even he knew about George and Dream. It wasn't as if they hid anything.

"Yeah. I'm thinking we simply rob him instead of arson. It's safer and he'll never know it was us. Nothing crazy or profound." The blonde explained to the black and white haired boy.

Ranboo sighed. He couldn't stop Tommy. The blonde was a strong slim boy, though some would call him lanky, Tommy was inhumanly strong when he wanted to be. Ranboo always had a suspicion that Tommy was secretly a hybrid. No human could tap into that sort of strength at random, nor could their pupils widen in broad daylight right before something bad happened. He brought it up to Tommy a few times but was quickly dismissed. Never question Tommy.

"Alright." Ranboo smiled taking Tommy's hand. The two ran to the house discussing the plan. "Okay we take some shit, we can uh- oh! Graffiti the house-"

"I'll leave signs!" Ranboo chimes in gathering wood from the trees.

"Yes! And we don't want no snitches so shhh!" Tommy laughed while putting on leather armor. Ranboo got the hint and copied Tommy's movement. 

"Now we look like proper robbers," Tommy said giving Ranboo a little twirl. "we need for him to be thrown off at first so he won't know he got robbed." 

Tommy grabbed items from the chestnut chests that stood neatly to the side as Ranboo begun writing "menacing" messages on the walls, let's just say....a child denied candy can do better than he.

Tommy placed blocks of crying obsidian everywhere as an eye catching distraction. The vision was that George would come home and first be focused on the crying obsidian, he'd than read the signs and-no. This wasn't enough. They needed more of a distraction.

"What else does a robbery need.....Fire!" Tommy placed netherite down before setting small fires on top of the blocks in belief they wouldn't burn. For a being so intelligent he wasted his knowledge on simple things.

'No real damage, no harm, right?'  Tommy thought.

After getting sick of the smoke that filled their lungs, the teens headed out a broken window, courtesy of Tommy, and placed ice blocks down. 

"To balance the fire, nice thinking Tommy!" Ranboo praised.

"The best we could do, right? Besides! It's hot out here in the fields now innit?"

Tommy hung up a sign that read "BITCHES HOUSE" before placing more netherite and fire. 

Tommy then made a famous fire penis causing them to chuckle. They were victorious. 

"Well this house looks fucked! We did it Ranboo! I feel calmer, let's go get some food, I'm starving." Tommy said leaning on Ranboo as they walked away from the sight.

The victory was short lived as the wooden roof of the house caught on flames, sparking the fire to reach new unwanted heights. Tommy sniffed the air and turned around facing the mess they've made.

"Fuck! No! NO! No! Ranboo!" Tommy panicked. He tried putting out the raging fire anyway he could. 

Flames blocked the entrances to the house, the netherite was still un touched in the process but that wasn't what they needed to focus on. The house was completely on fire!

"Oh god!" Ranboo picked up a metal water bucket and helped Tommy control the fire with ease. 

In the end they were able to stop the fire that burned on the outside of the house. The inside was a lost cost. They would need a combination of water and sand to take it out. They didn't have sand and the dessert area was miles away from their current location.

Tommy knew he was getting the heat for this. Dream clearly had it out for him so for Tommy to go and burn George's house down, even if it was accidentally, was a god sent for Dream. He would need an Alibi if he were to even try fighting Dream's claims.

"Alright. We need to get an Alibi." Tommy said tugging Ranboo along. 

"Right. Uh let's go to L'manburg and hang out with the first people we see, get real friendly with them and convince them that we were with them the whole time." Ranboo offered.

"Perfect. Your a real smooth criminal, Boo."

They left for L'manburg as the fire shouted their names, the heat in the house grew up again and finally as it once more engulfed the small mushroom cottage home of George. Dream's king.


This was Tommy's final mistake.

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