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The high pitched ringing screamed in Tommy's ears as his vision returned to him. The faintly purple light of the room didn't help him stay focused so he could clear his head. The dropping and rising temperatures crawled up his exposed skin creating violent shakes to run through Tommy's body. The blood that trickled down his collar bone seemed to freeze at the exposure to oxygen. 

Dream's words repeated in his head.

 'I'm never letting you go' 

'Wilbur died protecting what he loved.' 

He made it sound as if it was his fault he killed Wilbur. Tommy didn't know what to do but produce more boiling tears and muffled sobs. Giving up seemed so tempting as if it was drowned in frosting with a nice cherry on top. 

There was no fighting the facts.

He was never really Tommy Innit.

He was always Theseus.

And based off the picture him and Wilbur found all those years back, Wilbur was indeed his brother. Just his name was not Wilbur Soot. 

Tommy never knew his name.

It all left a bitter taste on the boy's tongue.

The sound of the lava dropping shouted for Tommy's attention.

On the other side Tommy didn't see Sam. He was no where in sight. Instead he saw a black and white figure. A figure around his age.

As the figure grew closer Tommy's eyes widened and the room turned a deep sea blue.

Ranboo stepped of the cobble stone bridge. The lava didn't fall. Nor was the bridge sent back as it usually was when he had visitors. Where was Sam? Did Ranboo sneak in here? Tommy would have laughed at the enderboy for doing something so sneaky, if he was in a different position. But he wasn't.

" Hello there Theseus..." 

Tommy shot his attention to the voice, startled, his now blueberry eyes meeting red and green irises. Ranboo. Silence fell in the cell for both teens. Ranboo hesitantly walked closer to Tommy examining his state with sorrow.

"The cell isn't the most comfy is it?"

 Normally Tommy would scowl at the pitiful sound and look the enderboy was producing. Normally he'd go on a tangent about how much of a big man he was. But than again, he wouldn't normally be tied up like some beast, questioning who the hell he was or trying to stop a war. 

"This is wrong. To have you tied like this in the such temperatures. They say the snowy storm from the north is heading here. You could get sick." The enderboy looked around and found Tommy's green cloak from Drista messily parched on the floor with no care, he picks it up before kneeling down in-front of Tommy. 

Tommy flinched violently when Ranboo lifted his hands silently telling himself it's just Ranboo. "I bet you have things to say I um... I just wanna help...I kinda broke into the prison just to see you. The word of your capture went around like wildfire." Ranboo lifts his hands again, untying the tight scarf cutting off Tommy's speech letting it drop before freezing completely almost immediately recognizing the strawberry blonde. 

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