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"Here! Have some blue!" 

The ghost smiled wide, for the last few days he had been spreading the happiness of blue to everyone he passed. " Thanks... I could use some." A sadden voice sighed. "Of course Ranboo. I'm here to help." Ghostbur smiled more sympathetically. Ghostbur turned getting on his deep sky blue sheep and head east of L'manburg. 

"Where are you going?" The enderboy had asked half curiously. Ghostbur only three some blue his way. "Going to visit a friend!" It hurt that Dream told him to keep his visits with Tommy a secret but he was also lightened by the fact that Tommy and him had become closer. Like friends, they talked a lot and had fun together, the two really had gotten closer. And Tommy had opened up a bit. Visiting him just felt right. So that's where he went.

 The journey so far was calm as Ghostbur and his sheep, Friend, made their way through the forest area heading to the nether to save themselves from the gruesome trip that would take place if he was to travel the overworld with his sheep. They were halted by a masked man. Dream. "Hello Dream! Care for some blue? I was on my way to-" 

"that won't be necessary today. Tommy and I discussed a bit and I allowed him to have diamonds! The thing is he must stay within his exile and I cannot receive them due to my runs. He needs a friend to collect them for him." Ghostbur gasped exploding in excitement. "I can do it for Tommy!! I'm his friend!" Ghostbur shouted hovering above the ground in joy. 

"Awesome. The diamonds are deep within the rain forest. I'll send you the coordinates. Don't tell Tommy just yet that I allowed you to go. You could surprise him." Ghostbur nodded changing course to the rain forest. 

"Did you hear that Friend? We are on a mission for Tommy! I know I may not be his "brother" but I attend to help him any way I can. I want to be there for him as well. This quest will help us get closer! I'm so lucky to have ran into Dream!" 

After days of  walking, following the coordinates Dream sent him, the ghost arrived in the rain forest. The air was moist which for some reason caused Ghostbur skin to get slightly irritated but he disregarded this and ventured into the forest with glee.

"Okay Friend, I'll tie you to this tree and start digging, it's day time so you don't have to be afraid my friend! We can grab them quick and head to Tommy!" He took Friend's leash and tied it to a near by tree before taking out a shovel and digging. 

That's when it started. Midway through breaking the second layer of earth, a droplet fell from the grey sky and onto Ghostbur's hand, He dropped the shovel as pain coursed through his body and sizzling hummed in his ear. What had harmed him? Ghostbur looked up as another drop hit his shoulder making him jump in more pain. Was it.... the rain? 

The sky began falling with small packaged water attacking the ghost. The rain was devouring him, he needed to get out of the rain. Ghostbur tried getting out of the hole he was in but the rain pushed him back in. 

"FRIEND!!!! C-C-Come to m-me! Help me out! PLEASE!"

Ghostbur cried out to Friend as if the clueless sheep could help him in this horrid situation. He tied him to a tree. Ghostbur looked at his hands as they slowly melted away. He was melting away. Ghostbur's vision soon was taken over by blur as he shouted his final words "Friend!"

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