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"Dad! My back is still hurting! It's been weeks!" Theseus cried into his father's arm. "Are you sure you didn't hurt it a while back? You did fall out of that tree a week ago...Maybe it's bad sleeping posture." Philza insisted rubbing the ten year old's back. Theseus fumed, tears still falling from his puffy red eyes. "N-No! It's not that! I woke up and it began to hurt! Also I think I'm glowing! Like the sun! It happened last night! I swear!" Theseus rambled sniffling. 

"Is he still complaining about his back? It's been a while now." A boy with long silky pink hair, fair skin, hot pink eyes and a little gold crown, noted.

"I'm not complaining! You try carrying this pain and tell me how you feel, Tech!" Theseus snapped bitterly. "I don't need too. With you and William, that's enough. Stop playing your stupid light games at night! The lights are distracting to me from sleeping." Tech glared at the boy. "It's not a game! I'm glowing!" Theseus scowls. "Sure. And I'm your favorite sibling." Tech rolled his eyes. "If you weren't a big meanie, maybe you would be." Theseus mumbled twisting his body in agony.

Philza blamed William for Theseus's new attitude toward his older brother after seeing them fighting all the time. At least the nickname still showed his love for the older. "Whatever." Tech mumbled sitting on the carpet near the fireplace, reading. It was pretty chill for a basic Autumn day. The closed windows allowed bits of wind to slip through.

"Alright mate, turn around and lift your shirt." Philza sighed. Theseus complied standing, back facing Philza. Philza looked with caution at the ten year old's back but found nothing. This was certainly particular.

A door slammed shut up stairs before rushed footsteps descend down rapidly. "Theseus!" William giggled downstairs stopping at the entrance before shooting Tech a look. "I found an open field not far from the garden!" William shouted. Theseus  pulled his shirt down and faced his father as he sniffled, wiping his eyes. "Oh no. I have to go into the nearby village and I can't have you two, trouble makers on the run." Philza expressed. Theseus pulled the most heart aching look, possible. "Dad pwease, can we gow to da field. We'll be quick!" Theseus begged.

Philza looked between the two."Fine, but be home before the sun sets!" Philza calls out to the two as they grabbed coats and ran out laughing. Philza loved his sons. Even though Theseus was his by blood and the other two by adoption, they were all his. Including when they fought or argued, and William's little fits and even Theseus's high energy. He loved them to death.

The two walked down the trail in the forest. Theseus groaned in discomfort every few seconds. "Are you alright, Theseus?" William stopped concerned. Tears pricked the blonde boy's eyes."M-My back really hurts! I-I-I swear I did nothing wrong! Why is this happening Wilby?" The older frowned at the pain of the younger. He pulled Theseus into a hug. "Shhhhh. It'll be okay, flower. Let's get to the opening and we'll see what we can do." William reassured.

As William attempted to pull Theseus along, the boy didn't budge. William dipped his head to the side. Theseus raised his arms. He signaled for William. "Up." Theseus muttered. William chuckled before lifting the boy onto his back. "Let's go now."

"Do you think I'm infected?" Theseus uttered worryingly. "What are you yapping about?" William chuckled. "What if I become a hunter!?!" Theseus panics. "What? Theseus, you can't TRANSFORM into a hunter! It's something that happens mentally!" Theseus hums unsure.

"It's beautiful!" 

Theseus exclaim as he looks into the field. There was a warm glow fro the sun as butterflies fluttered around the flowers that littered the open spot of earth. It was vibrate. The field was alive. Theseus turned to his brother who was lying on the grass. "Come join me, yeah?" William smiled warmly. Theseus giggled sorely. 

"Alrig-AH!" Theseus fell to his knees in a heap of pain. "Theseus!" William cried tending to the shaking boy. "It-It hurts! I-I-I can't!" The boy cried as he choked on his words. It was agonizing for both Theseus and William, as Theseus went through the pain and William watched uselessly with panicked eyes.  The older didn't know what to do; every time he attempted to pick Theseus up the boy would yelp in pain and discomfort. Blood stained his hands. Theseus's vision slowly grew darker and darker until the darkness took over  the last thing his eyes were focused on. William.

Years felt to slip the boy's little fingers when he's vision was returned to him and luckily by then the pain stopped. It was as if the pain was never there. Non existent to the boy. Theseus was confused, yes, but was more than happy to have the agony stop.


Theseus gasped as he sat up. He adjusted his vision. William's face shined with terror, shock and bewilderment as he laid his eyes upon the ten year old. "W-William...?" Theseus stuttered the response. He looked down at his, now slightly thicker, shadow. There were two wing shadows behind him. "Dad?" Theseus turned his head. There was no long blonde haired man. Only a puddle of crimson liquid.

The golden bloodstained wings were his own. Theseus looked to his brunette brother. "Theseus!" His brother finally manage to say. "You...You got your wings!" He shouted.

Theseus didn't process any of the words said by his brother. The only word that registered was 'Wings.' but what about them? Their father had wings. It was no big deal. William said something about him and wings. Him. And wings. Wings and him. He. Wings. Theseus had wings!

The boy gasped, grinning wide. He had his wings!a

"I HAVE WINGS!?!??!"

Theseus clenched his fist and closed his eyes attempting to fly. Beads of sweat rolled down  Theseus 's red face. He found himself five feet off the ground.

"No way!" William gasped.

"We can surprise Dad and explain what was wrong with my back! He'll be so proud!" Theseus grinned falling into the flowers painting them red. "Uh.....hmmmmm.......take my coat to hide them. It's thicker! It'll also help with the with the uh blood." William took off his coat and threw it over the small boy's wings. "We must head home quickly now. Hunters stalk the forest at these times and a young Avian with wing is sure to be the target." William warned quietly. Theseus's eyes manically searched the open area. "D-Does that mean the bad hunters will be after me as well?" William paused. He could see the terror and panic in his brother rise.

"I-I don't want to be hunted! T-Their gonna try and take me away! William, are they gonna kill me!?!" Theseus ran closer to his brother, huddling closer to use him as protection.

"I will never let ANYONE take you away. Not you or dad. Not anyone in our family! I will fight for you, flower." William reassured. He took the boy's hand and rubbed tiny circles into it. "Let us go and surprise dad alright? Everything will be fine." He grinned. Theseus let out a calm huff before agreeing. "Alright Wilby."

As the sun prepared to fall the boys, hand in hand, raced back into the forest talking about all sort of ideas on what to say to there father. They took it slow and decided on Theseus sneaking in and revealing his wings after William got their father all worried.

"Am I going to get lessons?" Theseus gasped. "What?" William chuckled. "Lessons! Like lessons to you know..."

"I guess you will require lessons, I think you'll be the best at them! I believe in you, flower!" William cheered on.

As they closed in on the path leading to their cottage William stopped.

"William? Why'd we stop?"

William sniffed the air as his ears perked slightly up.

"Something's not right."


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