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The routine grew as time went one. Tommy would wake up, be productive, occasionally get visited by Ghostbur, eat, then Dream would come along and force him to start over.

He was used to it.

Some days Tommy would fight Dream until the man beat him into submission.

Majority of the days, however, Tommy just gave in.

And when he gave in there would be rewards.

The recent reward being a Christmas tree and a secret trip to see L'manburg for an hour through the neither portal, Dream had built him. It was a portal to the neither where he could go through another portal to get to L'manburg. Only, Dream knew the way there.

The country was doing a whole lot better without him. Everyone seemed happy. They celebrated at the winter festival. Gathered together for Christmas dinner and sung songs. Tubbo looked happy too. He had a small smile on his face and he danced around the Christmas tree with Quackity. No trace of sadness was evident.

Tommy wanted to see Ranboo but the enderman was no where in sight. It was as if he just disappeared from the earth after Tommy's exile. The blonde hoped he was okay.

Along the way Tommy forgot how long he was in exile for. He knew it had to be a while because every couple of days or so he would see a boy. No older than thirteen with long pink strawberry hair and fainted ruby eyes. The boy who Tommy randomly named "Dave the stalker" always seemed to try and lure Tommy in a direction.

Tommy always turned his back on Dave.

He held a connection to Logstedshire. It was his home. He built a new routine so every day was the same.

Today was different.

Tommy decided to break the repetition that he was webbed into.

Tommy left Logstedshire and headed into the nearby flower field where irises, poppies, roses, sunflowers and lilies danced together under the influence of the wind. They poked out from under neath thick snow. 

The teen smiled before lying with the flowers.

Dream made him sleep in the snow so many times he was numb to the feeling.

 He dug into his pocket and pulled out a picture of him, Tubbo, and Wilbur in the original L'manburg. A tear slide down his face he missed Wilbur so much it ate at the poor blonde.

Could it actually be true that Wilbur was secretly crazy?

Did his own brother manipulate him?

 Was he crazy too?

Dream said he'd help Tommy.

Help him become sane.

Tommy was conflicted on who he should trust and what he should believe.Maybe his time with Wilbur was now put to rest. Like it should be. In the ground along with the body.

The sixteen year old hadn't noticed that the sky was now at it's peek until he looked to the sun. Had he really spent about half the day in a field? Yes. Yes he had. No worries, it was all part of changing. Heading back to Logstedshire a green blob could be seen from far.
Dream had beaten Tommy home.

The green clothed man did not look happy upon closer view.

Tommy jogged back to the tent where Dream stood, waiting.

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