Chapter 20: I'm No Hero

Start from the beginning

As VulGar, Deags, Emerald Inferno, Aizawa and Nezu make their way to Team 1s last known location, VulGar fills them in on all the details and they pick up their pace.

We now see Jiro starting to wake up and realize that she is chained to a chair. Feeling like she got hit by a bus she tries to look around but immediately realizes that her eyes are also covered with a cloth. Starting to panic she begins to struggle but stops when she hears a familiar giggle.

???: hehehehe oh goodie you're awake!!!
Jiro: What do you want Toga?
Toga: What I've always wanted.... *removes the blindfold*
Jiro: Remind me again?
Toga: Revenge. And now I'm finally gonna get it.
Jiro: For what? Last I checked I haven't done shit to you, you vampiric bitch
Toga: Don't try to sweet talk me, you're not getting out of this.
Jiro: You want vengeance for me putting you in the slammer rather than the nut hut?
Toga: NO!!! I lost the only thing I held dear to me!! And it's all your temperamental boyfriend's fault!!!
Jiro: What does Katsuki have to do with this? He's been gone for two years ever since he......*eyes widen*
Toga: Oooooo Sounds like you finally realize the situation you're in and why you're in it hehehe
Jiro: Not really... not like you and Dabi were a thing... right? *smack*
Toga: *slaps Jiro* How dare you speak his name!
Jiro: *spits blood* Awww did I touch a nerve?
Toga: *stabs Jiro in the thigh*
Jiro: AHHH YOU BITCH!! *grits teeth in pain*
Toga: Awww did I hit a nerve?
Jiro: So what's this all about? You want vengeance on Katsuki? For what? Because he killed Dabi? You want me to feel sympathy towards a couple of villains? Don't make me laugh
Toga: *stabs her other thigh* hehehehe now you're getting it.
Jiro: *wincing in pain* hahaha you psychotic bitch!!!

As the torture continues Jiro manages to free one of her jacks and puts it in the floor hoping to hear for her rescuers. One thing she heard was the faint sound of explosions in the far distance, that sound alone gave her the willpower she needed to endure the torture.

Toga: Oh poor little Jiro tapping out already? That's no fun I have so many things planned for you *motioning to 3 low level villains*
Jiro: *confused* Wait, what are they here for??
Toga: Oh they are just here to break you, break you in mind, body, and soul.
Jiro: *eyes widen* wait you don't mean....
Toga: Ohhhh but I do mean. Hehehehe *to the 3 villains* have some fun boys but make sure you keep her alive, I'm the one that gets to finish her off. I'll be right back, I have to hit the ladies room.

Toga walks off, and the 3 villains place quirk canceling cuffs on Jiro before moving her chains from the chair to another chain dangling from the ceiling. Now chained from the ceiling in a standing position with her hands above her head. Jiro tries to struggle against the advances of the 3 low level villains but each struggle comes with a price.  One villain starts to take off her top to which Jiro sends a kick to his Testicles, and that earns her a sucker punch to the stomach by the second villain,  he then rips the sleeve to her top, revealing her scars of the past. As she is now hunched over in pain the second villain then got on one knee in front of her and proceeded to try to unbutton and take off her pants. Jiro responded with a knee to the villain's nose thus breaking it as she then spat blood on his face. As the three villains collect themselves, they decide to weaken the hero in training by beating her mercilessly as she has no other way to defend herself. Jiro, now beaten, bloodied and bruised hangs her head in hopeless defeat and the villains see this as the green light to move in for their "fun time". Fortunately for Jiro, before they could get any closer the ceiling above them caved in and the sound of boots hitting the ground could be heard, a smile grew on Jiro's face, there was hope for the hero because now standing between her and the 3 villains was her salvation in the form of none other than Ground Zero.

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