Chapter 20 - His Reappearance

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = your Last Name

S/N = Sister's Name

B/F/N = Best Friend's Name (boy)

N/A = Name of your Army

N/F = Name of your Followers

S/A = Symbol of your Army

Y/B = Your Birthday

M/N = your Mother's Name

H/C = your Hair Color

E/C = your Eye Color

F/C = your Favorite Color (you can have multiple if you'd like, lol)

The list will be updated as need be throughout the series.


Seto's POV

I lowered my hands as Y/N went into a magically-induced coma. The other sorcerers also lowered their hands, though I could still see the magic flowing through them due to their eyes being different colors.

"Y/N said she could feel an influence before she came down here...I really hope we can keep her under until Merome gets back...." I muttered, looking worriedly at Y/N.

A few hours passed and nothing seemed to happen. None of us were tired, being too worried to consider resting. It was really going to be a long 2 weeks....

My magic suddenly faltered as I sensed a horribly familiar evil aura. And it wasn't coming from Y/N. She was just lying on the bed, still. No...the aura was coming from somewhere above us outside the obsidian chamber. It was an aura I hadn't felt in 4 years.

I panicked slightly, causing the other sorcerers to lose focus. Y/N didn't stir, but I focused my magics back on her to keep her down. "You two, can you join in? Something's wrong above ground and I have to go see what it is."

The two sorcerers on standby nodded and joined in. After they did, I let my magic go and turned to the door, opening it and rushing out. I quickly checked to make sure the incantations remained in place before continuing my rushing out of the dungeons.

I was stopped, however, by Sky. And that evil aura was coming from right in front of me.

"S-Sky...?" I asked quietly, backing up slightly.

He seemed confused. "Seto, what's up? Why are you backing away from me?"

I lit my hands with magic, watching him closely. "That're not Sky anymore, are you?"

Sky remained silent for a moment before chuckling darkly. "Ah, nothing gets past you when it comes to us brines, does it, my dear sorcerer?"

I knew it. He wasn't Sky. Not anymore. No...this was....

This was Skybrine.

How and why, I had no clue. But I couldn't let him get to Y/N.

I backed up slowly, readying my magics.

Skybrine sighed heavily. "I was hoping that we could do this the easy way. You know, you just admit defeat and I go get my little sister. Unfortunately, it doesn't look to be that way."

Skybrine pulled out his budder sword, looking at it with slight disgust and disbelief. "A gold sword? Really? I guess I forgot this guy's love of gold."

He twirled it once in his hands and launched at me.

I dodged to the side of the somewhat narrow hallway and threw some magical orbs of purple light at him, hitting him in the side. He didn't seem fazed by it much.

Book 1:  The Day The Budder King Said Gold:  X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now