Chapter 21 - The Missing Siblings

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = your Last Name

S/N = Sister's Name

B/F/N = Best Friend's Name (boy)

N/A = Name of your Army

N/F = Name of your Followers

S/A = Symbol of your Army

Y/B = Your Birthday

M/N = your Mother's Name

H/C = your Hair Color

E/C = your Eye Color

F/C = your Favorite Color (you can have multiple if you'd like, lol)

The list will be updated as need be throughout the series.


Seto's POV head hurts...what....

I slowly opened my eyes to see obsidian.

So...I was still in the obsidian chamber....  I had half-expected to have been kidnapped by them.

I carefully got to my feet, wincing at the sight of my dead followers.  I'd have to get some help getting them out of here to bury them later.

Something was wrong, though.  It felt like my powers were being suppressed.

I looked down at my wrist and sighed heavily.  Notch dammit, that fricker had put the band on me!

I tried saying the words that unlocked the band, but unsurprisingly, it didn't work.  He had changed the incantations on it.

I carefully stepped around my followers and left the chamber, walking slowly out of the dungeons.  I was still kind of exhausted and not feeling my powers made me feel very weak.  I had...neglected my training, to say the least, so I would be pretty useless without my powers.

The dungeons were silent as I trudged my way through them.  We had no prisoners, which was a good thing, in my opinion.

After what felt like far too long, I finally got out of the dungeons of the Budder Castle.  I was somewhat limping at this point, my energy fading again.

A patrolling member of Jason's army came near me, clearly worried.  "Seto?  What's wrong?"

"G-Gather the the meeting room i-if you can...please."  I muttered, wanting to sleep but knowing I had to tell everyone what had happened.  "A-And S/N and B/F/N, too."

The Star clearly wanted to take me to the infirmary but instead nodded and ran off to gather everyone.

I slowly limped my way to the meeting room and went in, sitting at the far end of the table.  I plopped my head down into my arms and closed my eyes, resting.

After a little while, I felt someone gently shake my shoulder.  I must've fallen asleep.  "Seto?  Are you okay?  Why do you have one of those bracelets on?"  I heard Ty ask worriedly.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes.  "Ah, I...must've fallen asleep.  My bad.  Is everyone here?"

Ty nodded and sat down next to me.  I looked around to see Ian, Quentin, Jason, S/N, and B/F/N all gathered around, looking equally as worried about my condition.  I must not look good for them to be so worried.

S/N looked around the room.  "And...where is Sky?  He was with us not too long ago, but he had run off after saying he needed to do something."

So I wasn't out for too long...that'd explain why I'm still so weak.

Book 1:  The Day The Budder King Said Gold:  X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now